Chapter 59- "Reunion..."

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"Sometimes life doesn't give us what we want, not because we don't deserve it, but because we deserve much more."

When I left all my loved ones behind, that time I was convinced that life has not been fair to me. I must not deserve the normal happiness which I want. However, I was wrong. Today when I see all the reasons for happiness around me, I try to change my notion,

"If we want to behold the beauty of the rainbow then we must drench in the rain. Life has its own equation and time. If we want to balance it before the perfect time, we may face disappointment. But at the last, we get our wished equilibrium."

Right now, I am sitting in my ELYSIAN office cabin, sipping on my work break relaxation green tea. Some months have passed and these passing times have brought so many changes in our life. Maan is happy with his Superhero Dad and his Dad is happy with his naughty Champ. In fact, nowadays he is ignoring his work because of Manu and gets scolded by me very often. Although I know he has missed these moments for a long and perhaps for that, he doesn't want to miss any chance to be with his son.

"Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad."

My inner Goddess gives me some philosophical knowledge and I nod at her with a chuckle. Bhai is busy with Murthy Creation's new ventures. It is not any change though the difference is, earlier he used to remain busy to forget the circumstances and nowadays he remains busy to secure his family's future more. Navya and their expected baby. Navya is pregnant again. However, I know it's not going to be easy for her. Bhai told me that she has some medical challenges and he didn't want to risk her and the baby's life. But Navya was adamant from the beginning. In fact, this pregnancy was unplanned but keeping this baby is Navya's plan. Because of that, she didn't let Bhai know about this in the initial stage. She might fear that perhaps Bhai will force her to terminate it. However, some things can't be hidden for long. When Bhai came to know about her decision it was quite late to take any drastic decision. Since then, Bhai is taking care of his Madhu like a glass doll. I wish they get their deserved happiness. I revolve the chair and get up to walk near the glass wall. Our collaboration with Decoración is going well. Very soon Manik will visit Salvador again. I also wanted to accompany him but he strictly outlawed my wish. The reason is very simple and, to some extent, justified too. In this condition, I also shouldn't exhaust myself. My train of thoughts gets broken by the voice from behind.

"Didn't I tell you not to drink coffee at this time? Come on Nandini. Caffeine is not good for the baby's health and you claim yourself as an intelligent woman."

I turn and face my grumpy husband. Manik Malhotra the finicky would-be father. I frown at him and counter proudly.

"Yes, I am intelligent and don't keep any doubt about it. Along with this, I am the would-be mother. So, I know well what is good and what is bad for my unborn baby."

I raise the cup and add,

"This is green tea, non toxic, void of any caffeine and good for the would-be mother's health. Your nature of jumping to the conclusion without thinking is still there, Mr Malhotra. Change it."

I fake an annoyed tone. It works and the crankiness on his face immediately changes to embarrassment. I just love to trouble him. I grin inwardly. Manik saunters and stands close to me.

"Nandini, during Maan's birth, I was not there with you. I know it was my mistake and I missed those precious days. Maybe that's why I remain finicky and overstressed this time. I become tensed and timid sometimes. I know Navu's condition makes me apprehensive and I perhaps show it to you. I am sorry. I behave like an annoying and illogical person sometimes."

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