Chapter 56 - "New confidant..."

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Arya and Soha both notice my condition. Arya immediately nears me and snatches the mobile from my hand.

"Hello! Yes...No, I am her friend. What happened? WHAT? But how? Are you sure? No, we don't know anything. We didn't even know that he was going back today. Okay..I will...I will...thanks for letting us know. Thanks."

Arya cuts the call. Soha asks in confusion,

"What happened? Anything serious? Please say something, guys."

She sounds restless. However, before Arya could say something, a frustrated yell exits my mouth,

"It's a lie. He can't do this to me. HE CAN'T..."

My scream wakes up Maan. He wails in half-sleep,

"Mummum...uuuuu (Cry)...."

Soha immediately takes him in her lap. Arya mumbles unmindfully,

"Manik's plane crashed. He boarded it at 12:15 am."

I spring up from the sofa and chide at him.

"He didn't board it. He couldn't board. I don't believe it. He can't die."

"Nandini, come down. You are scaring Maan. Please."

Soha pleads and only then, my eyes fall on my son. He is rubbing his eyes and hiccupping. I rush to him and almost snatch him from Soha's lap. Maan encircles my neck and hides his face on my shoulder. I turn at Arya and declare,

"I am going to the airport. I need to check the list of those who were given the boarding passes."

I was about to head to the exit door when Arya calls from the back,

"Wait, Nandini...I will go with you. Keep Buddy with Soha. He is sleepy."

I flip and reply in an obstinate tone,

"No...I have to face it alone. If I did late to understand then it's my duty to face the consequence."

I pause for a second and rub Maan's back.

"Let him be with me. Maybe I need Manu."

I conclude and exit Khurana villa. I don't know why I am not being able to cry despite having an ocean of emotions inside me. Maybe I strongly believe that Manik can't leave me like this. That stubborn soul can't give up like this. But this time he will really face the real Nandini Murthy for pulling this stunt on me. I twist the car key and press the clutch and accelerator. The car picks up its speed. Maan is still on my lap. I mumble under my breath,

"Manik Malhotra, you wanted a closer. You wanted my forgiveness...right? Okay, I am ready. But you have to come in front of me. You have to prove my faith that you can't go like this."

I veer the steering towards the airport.


"Why did you let her go? If her past has finally left her then why did you again push her to that dilemma? When you love her then why didn't you try to hold her back, Arya?"

Soha finally bursts out at her brother. Arya nears her with a slow gait. His eyes are beaming with unknown emotions.

"Yes, I love her but she only loves Manik and I can't be selfish enough to hold her back when I know her all happiness lies within him only."

He mouths intensely while meeting Soha's piercing eyes.

"Thinking about own happiness is not selfishness, Arya. And moreover, she doesn't want him back in her life then why are you forcing her? When she can fulfil the emptiness of your life then why aren't you giving your life a second chance?"

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