Chapter 41 - "A new dawn..."

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Cabir's line makes Navya stiffen her body under his torso.


She sounds oblivious, however, deep down she can anticipate the answer. Cabir sinks his face in the bent of her neck and utters in a tender voice,

"We lost our baby in our past. We suffered a lot in our past. But we can't lose our future for it. We should try to welcome him or her once again."

Navya keeps mum, still waiting for Cabir's clear demand. Having no response Cabir lifts his face and tries to meet her eyes. The room is dark. Still, the moonlight invading from the open window is partially illuminating her face.

"Will you give me my baby back?"

Cabir demands in his baritone voice while skimming his palm on the side of her sweaty face. Navya keeps staring into his eyes. The pain is still bothering her as he is still inside.

"We are trying, Cabir. We never use protection. I had been a mother until now if God would have wished."

She sounds hapless. Cabir minutely observes her. Her eyes lack hope. He tries to separate himself from her and counters,

"What do you mean, God doesn't want to see us as parents?"

As he pulls out himself Navya fails to suppress her painful wail.


Cabir startles to hear her cry and restlessly enquires,

"What happened, Madhu? Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?"

He roams his eager hands on her body trying to feel where she is feeling pain. Navya wobbles in denial but her teary eyes can't pacify Cabir's uneasy heart.

"Navya, tell me!"

His unusual call and the edginess of his voice makes Navya realise that today he won't leave the topic without knowing the truth.

"I...I feel pain during...during intercourse."

She hesitantly reveals. Cabir sits on the bed squarely and takes the discarded tee-shirt from the side to wear it again.

"Since when? Why didn't you tell me?"

His voice has both worry and anguish. Navya pulls the bedsheet on her bare chest and meekly answers,

"Since our marriage. I wanted to tell you but remain busy. I thought you will be upset and won't come....close to me."

Cabir sighs deeply and lies down beside her. His eyes are fixed to the ceiling but his mind is wondering something. Did he become so distant from Navya that she can't share her pain with him nowadays? Should he have heard her silence?

"Does only physical closeness prove that I am close to you? I am sorry Navya. Perhaps I distanced myself so much that you have lost your comfort with me. I kept on making love with you without feeling that it is only giving you pain. I am sorry. I should have listened to your silent pain."

His voice has agony and remorse which forces Navya to turn at him. She places her palm on his opposite cheek and tries to turn his face to her.

"It's not that, Cabir. You know that how much I love you. I know you are there for me, always. It's just...I...was upset with me. I want a baby too, Cabir. I want to bear your baby in my womb...again."

Her voice trembles to suppress the deep emotion mingled with the wish. Cabir takes a turn to her and pulls her closer. Navya nestles to his known touch.

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