Chapter 25 - "The mysterious letter..."

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As Manik's house is getting visible little by little, Cabir's car speedometer is gradually touching its lower gauge. Cabir claws the steering once again. If the engine hadn't growled Manik would have easily heard Cabir's pounding heartbeat. Perhaps Manik feels Cabir's discomfort. He observes him from the corner of his eyes and turns to the outside of the window. Cabir licks his lips and rounds them to blow his restlessness.

"Is she at home now?"

Cabir hesitantly asks, however, his own words sound very lame to his ears. Manik's lips curve in ignorance. He sniggers while still gazing outside.

"That is obvious, I guess. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come here."

Manik sounds blunt. He turns at Cabir and continues,

"Look Cabir, this decision was not easy for me either. I don't know how will she react? But at least you have to have strong nerves. If you want to know everything then you have to handle this situation wisely and intelligently. Face the present if you want to know the past."

Cabir nods with a pale smile. Their car stops in front of Manik's house. Both get off the car and for the last time, Cabir takes a deep breath.


I ask Cabir to ring the bell. We planned that Navya shouldn't know that we have come together and I already know Cabir. I told Mukti to leave Navya at our house for some time. Mukti told me that Navya should meet Cabir alone. So that she can react spontaneously without any pressure. We have to push her to her past where only she and Cabir will be there.

"I will be on the backside of the house. If she reacts or responses weirdly or violently, I will be there immediately. But remember; don't force her to say anything. Don't ask anything uncomfortable. Be normal and responsive rather than inquisitive."

I again make him remind. Cabir bobs his head like an obedient child and approaches the main door. I quickly vanish to the backyard. My heart is also pounding like a bellow but I can't help it. She is my sister but this is necessary. In the backyard of our house, there is a small open space fenced with bamboo. Some bushes and middle height trees are scattered here and there. I and Navya both love this place. She often takes evening strolls here. A small cemented bench is also there. I sit on it bending my upper portion towards my knees.

"Did I do it right? What if Cabir hurts her? What if she reacts unpredictably? What if Mukti's plan backfires. What if.....Uffff..."

I fist my hair to stop my inner voice. Glancing at my wristwatch I eye the closed windows of my house. It is natural. Whenever Navya stays at home all alone she always keeps all the windows closed. I have told her many times that it is unhygienic but she never listens to me. I know she fears the outside world. She never feels safe when she is alone. I keep on gazing at the closed windows of the living room. Till now, Navya must have opened the door and seen Cabir. What was her reaction? I haven't heard any voice. That means she didn't scream. Then? My mind again starts webbing weird thoughts. The closed windows are pulling me like magnets. Unknowingly I saunter at one of them. I can't refrain myself to hear them. I have to hear them. Stealthily I reach the window and near my ear to its closed sill. After a brief moment, their voices become audible.

Navya: "Does Ajja know that you have come here?"

Navya sounds agitated yet normal. Does that mean she has reacted the same way we wanted? Immediately Cabir's reply comes,

Cabir: "No...I sneaked out. Otherwise, he won't let me come. But I couldn't stop myself to meet you, Madhu."

I snicker. Bravo! He is a good actor. Some moment of silence lingers. Then Navya's voice comes into life.

Love or Game (Complete✅)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें