Twenty-three - Gathered

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Josie was inside the room with Lexi to get some form of answers as in how the man manage to enter his room without permission and where was the guard that was supposed to be there? Luckily they manage to save him the last second.

Lexi told her that it might be better if we moved him to a more secured place then the hospital.

Delilah was sitting on her chair staring outside the window. She was crying for the thought of her children's father was dead. It broke her. She loved Tim and he was her everything as she was his.

Hope was pissed and told Clarke about what had happend. The blond woman was now in the same room as the agents and the worried look on her face was now visible as well.

"Good day agents" they heard a brittish accent flow in the air.

Hope looked at the man with a sad smile. Klaus Mikaelson was in the big city away from his own to help his daughter and old Chief.

"Gunny" Gibbs said and reach out his hand to the now all grown man.

"Chief, it's good to see you once again. It's been a while" he said and shook his hand.

"Hope, Josie" he say looking at his daughter and in law.

"Dad" Josie clunch on her father in law and Klaus knew she was scared.

"It be fine my dear. I will take care of this" he whispered in her ear and she nodded.

"Dad" Hope said and the man pulled his daughter into a tight hug.

"Okey so for you who do not know me I'm Klaus Mikaelson, Mayor of New Orleans and also part owner of E.K.K Mikaelsons Sector that runs by Harry Bosch as well as Hope's father and Josie's father in law" he said and looked at everyone in the room.

"I know it's a hard time for all of you. Specially for you Mrs. McGee. I assure you that we will get this bastards that hurt your husband and father of your two beautiful twins" he said and Delilah just nodded.

The door opend and Kol entered the door together with the crew from sector. They where suprised to see them. They all greeted and was now waiting for the set up to get connected.

As the 4 joint teamed was now gathered Clarke was filling them in what information they had.

"Okey, so the crew that runs the trafficking operation is based here in DC but they are tied to LA and Nola and we all have dealth with them once or twice. Now from what we gathered one of our clients daughter was kidnapped by them as well hence why we are here now" Clarke said.

"So this guys are running a sex trafficking organization using our military sources" Delilah asked and they all nodded their head.

"We belive so, yes. From the looks of it they all where former military people and have once or still lives in DC. They are all using fake names on their properties of famous killers or mass murderer" the blond said.

"So why attacke McGee? We been off that case and gave it to the secnave" Bishop said.

"Yeah they don't have any reason to care about us.. unless he found something that they didin't want him to find" Hope continued.

"Abby look up the files that he went through and let us know if you find something weird" Gibbs said.

"We will do the same" Pride and his team said and so did LA.

"Clarke I need you to get Sarah from the airport, take her here so we can breife her and then we guys need to keep the kids safe with Alexa" Hope said.

Clarke agreed and went to the airport.

"I think we should move Tim to our house where I can monitor him and so that Delilah won't need to go back and forth and leave the kids" Josie said and Delilah agreed and so did doctor Gray.

Hope moved one of the bed in the guest room making it spacious enough to get the necessary machines that Tim needs and the twins was happy to see their father but was told that he was sleeping because he had fallen ill so the result to that was easy for the kids. They read him stories and kept him company from time to time.

Clarke was more home now that they had the McGee's at their place while Hope her father and the rest of the joined teams was working non stop to find out what it was that made them attack McGee.

Sarah was mad as hell and was worried about her brother as well as his family. She was happy that Hope was the one who was helping her.

The door opend and in ran Abby with Ziva and Bishop behind her.

"I got it I got it" she shouted and ran into Hope's office where the rest of the team was.

"Well?" DiNozzo said.

"He stumbled over a list of names and places. I don't think Tim realized it until 2 days ago when they took him. They wanted to know what he knew about it" Abby said and that hit Sarah.

"They are scared because you guys where close enough to get them. You almost had them" Sarah said.

"Okey so let's crack that list and see where they are located and then split it up" Klaus said.

As they looked through the list they found over 1000 names and over 18 locations between LA, DC, and Nola. As the crew looked up the names of the people they recognized some of the faces but with names.

Once of the names popped up and it made Hope pale and both Klaus and Kol was mad anout it.

"Oh my god that fucking asshole" Hope shouted and they all looked at her.

"What?" Ziva said and she showed the photo of her former classmate and friend.

"Landon Kirby, we used to go in the same school and he tried to rape Josie" she gritted her teeth.

"He was in New Orleans about 2-3 years ago and he hurt her" everyone noticed the sad eyes on Hope.

"That fucking asshole is a part of this shit.. how the hell did he get into that" Alexa asked and looked at Hope.

"I don't know but he has been very angry with Josie since we where kids because he is in love with me and I'm in love with Josie" she said.

Josie overheard what they where talking about and she was as scared as Hope. She didin't want the past to come back and specially Landon Kirby.

Josie stood by the door and looked at Hope. She knew that look on her fiancé face and it was not a pretty one.

"He is a part of it isn't he" she said and everyone looked at the brunette and  the older woman knew she could not lie to her.

"Yes.. his name is on the list" Josie nodded and looked at everyone.

"Find them and make sure he stays far away from us" she said and walked to Tim's room where she was treating him.

Hope told the rest of the team what he did and the history of their friendship.  She knew that he would come back and screw her happiness.

To say that Hope was not scared would be a lie. The point of moving to DC was so that they could live a normal life but the two of them knew that it could never happend.

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