Two - No More

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Josie was on the verge of brake down. She could feel all this kind of feelings in her body.




Hate was the strongest one.

All the bullying she had been through since first year of high school.

She didn't know why they hated her so much. That included her twin sister Lizze.

Sure they didn't look alike and they have different personalities. Lizzie was more popular then her and everyone either loves or hate her.

Josie was different. For unknown reason she did not know why they aimed at her.

They called her four eyes, slut and hoe. Even if the students never seen her her with someone or even seen her at a party they still slutshamed her.

It's been almost 2 years since she started at in the school. For 2 years she  been the a victim of bullying and it's all  because of Hope Mikaelson.

She couldn't take it anymore.

She wanted out.

She wanted to die.

The pain she endured day in and day out from the auburn girl and her sister was too much.

Her last draw was the class after P.E
Josie was taking a shower and when she got out Hope and her minion Landon had taken her cloths.

She stood there surrounded in the locker room wet from head to toe as she just got out from the shower.

Only thing was.. she couldn't change cloths cause Landon took them and threw it in the trash can and set it on fire.

Josie couldn't belive it.

Everyone was laughing at her.

Calling her names.

Hope just laugh at her and called her a whore. That she was nothing and that she should leave this school cause it would be better for everyone.

Lizzie didn't say anything. She just stood there and watch it all happen.

The plea she had in her eyes staring at her twin sister. Yet the blond girl didn't stand up for her. She let it happen.

It broke Josie's heart that her sister could be this cold towards her.

All Josie could do at this point was just to run up to her dorm room naked underneath her towel wrapped around her.

She ran.

She ran as fast as her feets could.

That night she cried herself to sleep.

It was around noon when Lizzie was sitting with her friends at lunch when she got a frantic call from her father.

She had 8 missed calls from him.

He called her once again.

"Hi daddy, is something wrong at home?" The blond ask.

"Lizzie, I can't get a hold on your sister, she does not pick up when I call her" her father says.

"Dad chill Josie is probably in class and can.."

"No Lizzie.. your sister has not picked up her phone since yesterday evening when I called her" he tells her.

This made the blond girl a bit confused since Josie alsway answers her phone but she hadn't seen her sister this morning or now during lunch.

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