Three - One Year

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It had been a year since Lizzie found her sister lifeless body in her bathroom floor. She felt empty for the first time in her life. She didin't seeme to find a way to function but she had too.

She was suprised over how many people came to her sister's funeral. The people that had been mean to her or didin't even know her just showed up from nowhere and this made her angry. She wanted to lash out but she couldn't because her parents was broken.

When her parents found out what she had been doing to Josie her mother could bearly look at her and her father stopped talking to her. In their eyes she was to blame for her sisters death and she couldn't blame them.

Her friendship with Hope was falling apart. She couldn't look at her anymore or even hang out with her. Their other friends was split between the two of them.

Lizzie started to focus more on her studies as her twin used to do. She hardly went to parties unless Landon dragged her out of her room.

Hope Mikaelson was broken. The girl that she loved committed suicide because of her and she knew that.

Her parents refused to speak to her and she had never ever felt so ashamed about herself and that she threw dirt on her family's name.

She stopped hanging out her friend and going out unless Raf would see her. She really did not want to be around people at all.

She promised herself that she would do better in the future but she let that she didin't have one now that the girl that she loved was dead.

Hope had come out to her friends. She was a lesbian and madly in love with Josie Saltzman but it was hard for her to accept herself. Even if there was a lot of girls who wanted to go out with her she didin't want to date anyone unless it was the brunette.

Josie Saltzman was moved out of the county. She was now living in Paris with her aunt Bonnie and her husband Enzo. Alaric and Josette told them about what had been happening and that their daughter needed to be safe away from her sister and Hope.

The brunette didn't really speak to anyone the first week. She kept herself busy by reading books and listened to music and play her new guitar that she got from her uncel.

In which why she is sitting on her roof playing when her neighbor Mg came up.

"Hey Parker, what are you jamming"

Josie looked up and smiled at him.

"Nothing really, just making up some tunes" she whispers.

Mg had moved to Paris because his mother works for the government. He had requested to stay because he was exhausted of constantly moving around. His mother has set him up in one of the dorms and granted his wish.

"It sounds nice, maybe we can play something together if you want"

Josie nodded and the two started to play some melodies.

Josie started at the Campus International de Langue Paris just a week after she had moved there. Her uncel and aunt didin't want her to live alone in an campus so they moved to a bigger townhouse near the school.

Josie felt happy because she had found a friend who liked her for her and her intelligence. She was smart and loved to learn. She noticed on her first day that her new school was different then back in the U.S the students in Paris took their education seriously and there school was not devided in fractions. Everyone spoke and respected each other equally and she loved that.

"Josette, lunch time" they both heard her uncel Enzo say.

"And bring Milton with you" her aunt Bonnie added and both teens laughed.

In the kitchen they could smell chicken pot pie and stake. It was Mg's favorite.

"You're aunt always cooks my favorite dishes. It's like they know I'm coming" he laughed and Josie just shook her head.

"That's because you are always here and not at your place" Enzo added and this made his wife laugh.

The four of them sat there and talked about the kids last school year. Mg told them that he wanted to do a road trip to Scandinavia and see what they could offer for the summer brake. He even asked of Josie wanted to go with him and his friends Kaleb and Penelope who liked her a lot.

"I don't know.. I've never really done something like that.. or even left the county until I had to move here" she said with a low voice.

The boy smiled at him and just shrug his shoulder.

"It's okey, you just think about it and we go from there. It's a few months left and plans can change" he smiled at her.

"I think it be a wonderful idea Josie, it will give you a chance to be more independent and see the world with your friends and experiences new things" her uncel chipped in.

Bonnie looked at her with a soft smile agreed with her uncel.

"I know your parents should come but maybe we can meet you guys up somewhere in the middle and have a family reunion. I think it be fun for your parents too"

Josie though about it and smiled. She wanted to see Scandinavia as well and her aunt and uncel was right they could meet up at any country and have a family vacation.

The brunette was packing her bag. She was running around looking for her charger. Her friends was alredy down stairs waiting for her.

"Josie what are you doing?" Bonnie comes up looking at her.

"I was looking for my charger and make sure that everything was turned off  and.." she was interrupted by the older woman.

"Darling, you are stalling. What is it?" She asked with a soft voice.

Josie stared at her aunt. She was a bit worried and unsure about the trip.

"I.. I'm.. just.. scared" she whispered.

Bonnie smiled and pulled her in a hug.

"Sweetie it's okey to feel a bit scared and unsure about new things. I am happy that you decided to take this trip with your friends because this way you will find a bit about yourself. Don't think too much" she says and kissed her head.

Josie smiled and nodded at her aunt. She picked her bag and ran down to the car.

She bid goodbye to her aunt and uncel and the four friends went off in their car.

Penelope took the first shift of driving and  Mg was the Dj while Josie and Kaleb was chilling in the back. As the music was blasting through the stereo the four of them was singing along and was laughing.

"Okey we are just one hour away from the boat. So you guys want to get some supplies from the stores before we go" the raven girl asked.

"We should get something to eat and drinks so we don't have to waste so much time"  Kaleb said and they all agreed.

The four went to the grocery store and got some pastries, escargot, baguettes and other things before  they went to the boat.

Once they parked the car in the boat Josie and her friends walked around and found a cabin to hang out.

"So the first stop will be?" Mg looked at Kaleb who got the map out.

"England, we can go to Brighton and then go from there" he said looking at them.

"Can't we like stay a day or two in each city we go to? It will give us some time to see things and experience places" Josie asked.

"Yeah and besides we gonna be gone for all summer so it shouldn't be any problem" Penelope said and the guys agreed.

"We be in England in about 6 hours so let's just rest and eat something" Kaleb said.

Dear BulliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora