Twelve - Going Back

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Josie flew back to Paris to make sure that her company was workinging properly. She needed to talk to Penelope about her taking the roll of CO when she moves back to the states. She didin't want to sell her mothers legacy so she opted with Penny to take her position while she was gone.

When she got back to the clinic Jade was happy to see her but as usual Josie didin't even look her way in with that Jade was not happy. She had been trying to get the brunette to notice her but she was ignored.

"Well look who is back. Did you have fun in Nola?" Penelope asked her.

"Yes and no and I met my sister" she said and Penelope smiled. Happy that she and her sister finally met up.

"So is everything good between you?" She asked her best friend.

"We are good but not the best" she said with a smile.

"Well it's better then nothing" the raven haired woman said.

Josie told her what the plan was for the future. She and Lizzie wanted to combine their company to one Incorporated company and they would give 15% to their Pro Bono program and that they would ask the staff to donate 2% of their salary to do the same and that way everyone is helping.

Penelope though that it was a good ide and she loved that they would combined everything together so that if something happens she would at least be one taking care of everything while she was gone.

As they where talking she got a video call from Loretta Wade which she found weird.

"Doctor Wade is everything okey?" She asked with a worried face.

"Oh hi Doctor Parker, yes everything is fine. I just called to ask for your expertise" she said and the brunette sigh in relief.

"Of course, what can I do for you?" She asked the older woman.

"We got a case that involves a young child, she does not speak English and she is scared, would you mind speaking to her? And ask her about her parents?" She asked.

Josie thought it was weird that they had asked her but then Pride had entered the room and he told her that Hope was with her and that the little girl refuse to leave her side and the Social workers wants to take her but she bit one of them so in the end Hope opted to take her.

"Hope asked me to call you since she is stuck with the little girl. We can do a video call and see if she is will to speak to you" He said with a exhausted voice.

Josie nodded and Pride was happy to hear that.

"I will set up a call in 2 hours. It will give you time to prepare. I will send you some questions I need to know" he said and she nodded.

This will give her time to eat something light and then prepare herself.

"Wow never thought that I would see Josie Parker help the police or government agents" Penelope said with a smirk and Josie laugh lightly.

The two went down to get some food at their small cafeteria. There Jade walked over and sat beside the brunette who just looked at her with a questioning look.

"Hi Josie, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me" she said with a soft voice.

Both Penelope and Josie stared at each other and didin't say much. The look Josie gave her best friend was a pleading one and the raven woman knew what that ment.

"It's Doctor Parker or Miss Parker to you Jade. She is a taken woman and she had made it clear before. She is not interested in you" she said and the two stood up and Josie quickly ran away from her.

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