Nineteen - DC

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Hope had been in DC for the past 3 days. She had been hanging out at the NCIS office with Jed and his team. She had been helping them figure things out with a crew of traffickers using the army as a way in and out to smuggle people or so they though.

Hope told them about Alex.

"In our case Alex was kidnapped by a French woman who had lost her baby weeks before she was due. When the woman died her brother took her and started to use her for profit" they all could hear that she was struggling.

"We came across with a list of names. They where connected and had connections in DC, LA New York and yeah well you guys get it. They are everywhere. Point is now that I'm looking at your list the same names popping up from our list. I think they are based here in DC because they all have military backgrounds and in one point did live here or still does but in a different name because some of them did not exist since 2009" she said and they all was impressed.

"She has a point there Gibbs. She sees the connection and now when I look at the faces I did a research. Two of them is not who they seem to be like them" the blond woman pulled up two people.

"Names are Noisam Selrahc and if you read it backwards it spells Maison Charles and if you switch it it spells"

"Charles Maison as in Charles Manson they change one letter" DiNozzo said.

Bishop showed the the other man who was known as Mij Senoj also know as Jim Jones those two people is well known in the world. They happend to be famous for the Sharon Tate Murders and the mass murder in India back  in 1978.

"I don't get why them when it's about trafficking" Abby says when she showed up.

"Because if you look at them. They found a way to convince people to do their bidding and I bet that whom ever it is who's the boss is doing the same with people but only thing is they don't kill.. they just manipulate girls into prostitution and trafficking" Hope said.

"So this Alex, she was used by the kidnapper" DiNozzo said and Hope just nodded.

"Well she must mean something to him, she was easy to manipulate that she did everything he asked" he continued.

"DiNozzo" Jed said but the agent didin't hear him.

Hope closed her eyes and tried to control her tears

"What was it that he used to.." he got cut off by Jed with a right hook. Everyone was speachless.

"Alex is a 5 year who got kidnapped and used by a pedofile who sold her to fucked up old man and she happends to be my adopted niece" he nearly yells out.

"DiNozzo Go home you are dismissed for today" Gibbs said with an angry voice. Hope stood there trying to hold her tears and was now wishing to be underground at this point.

DiNozzo looked at her and just got what he had done.

"My wife and I adopted Alex because she was scared of everyone around her. My wife taught her how to speak English and we taught her to trust her family. To receive love and care and to show her that there are good people in this world" she said and walked away.

Tony stood there and felt guilt running down his spine. He didin't know. He thought Alex was a grown teenager or woman but he never expected a little girl.

"I..I'm sorry.. I didin't know.. I.." he looked around his team and they where not happy.

"Go home now. That's an order" Gibbs said and left to look for Hope.

The Boss man walked down to Abby's lab where she found Hope sitting trying to keep calm.

"He is really not that bad, he is a pain in the ass but he is good at his job.. stupid but good" he said.

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