Chapter 23-The Gift...

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“Harry!” I screamed as I found myself running to his aid but before I was able to try and pull the beast off of him, the threw it into the air and we watched as it landed at the top of the tree-covered hill and that’s when we realised that there was a long line of vampires, zombies, werewolves and some bizarre looking hybrids, cutting us off from our freedom.

It was about to be a war and about to get ugly.

“Break up, take them in lots!” I heard Zayn yell at us and I immediately shot my eyes towards him.

How were Jordan and I meant to fight beings that were a thousand times more powerful than us? Sure we had both trained but that wouldn’t and couldn’t be good enough, could it?

“Don’t worry, Lily. These creatures are all newly turned, they’re deadly but sloppy. You training should be able to hold them off for days. Don’t let their strength or their lack of humanity concern you, you can do this.” I nodded slowly, holding his words into very high account.

Sure he had killed me a year ago but he was the most powerful being on Earth and if he said we could do this, then I believed him. Harry smiled worriedly at me before moving a few metres away, Jordan and Zayn doing the same and standing a few metres away on my other side.

This was the start of something big. This wasn’t like Jordan’s regular monster hunting or even like Zayn’s small outbursts, this was like the rise of a new era. I was sure I was ready but the only thing I didn’t prepare for was the fact that the first lot headed directly towards me.

I froze as zombies limped their way towards me and wolves and vampires ran down to me at full speed. Harry and Zayn’s eyes widened, even their help would have been useless at that point in time.

A vampire leapt into the air and headed straight for me, the first blow. He was only inches from my face when Jordan stabbed it in the chest and smiled viciously as he forced it back, making it roar out in excruciating pain before finally hitting the ground in front of us. It had officially begun.

I nodded at Jordan and he ran off back into his position as he was met by his own heard of creatures, whilst I was hit with mine and so on. I managed to grab my spear which I hid behind a subtle bunch of bushes and slammed it into the chests of four zombies, knowing it wouldn’t kill them but I did it in a desperate attempt to create some distance between us.

I heard the disgusting sound of my spear hitting and splitting the skull of a zombie behind me and I flung around to see it had walked straight into it. I rolled my eyes. Were they really that stupid? Walking straight into their death? I spent whatever few milliseconds of rest I had looking over at Jordan who was swinging his stone and silver knives around like a mad man, killing any creature who dared to come within two metres of him.

It was like watching a karate master chopping wood in two, it seemed so easy for him and yet so tiring and in a way almost…elegant. Fewer creatures were moving towards me and more towards him as they saw him as a huge threat which had to be wiped out. I continued to plunge my spears into the zombies and vampires that came towards us, killing most of them and the remaining alive ones were too wounded to fight and ran back to heal. Surprisingly, no werewolves tried to attack me or Jordan but they weren’t giving Zayn or Harry a hard time, in fact, they mostly targeted Harry but he seemed to be standing strong which I was thankful for.

After what seemed like hours, we were continuing to fight, it was already getting dark and I could hear Jordan’s stomach growling even beyond the cries, screams and angry roars from the soldiers in front of us. Though he continued to venture on, he didn’t even blink when a zombie stuck its hand in its eye, tore it out and threw it at him.

I cringed, that was disgusting and how on Earth did it think that would hurt him. I thought it had no purpose at least, that was until I saw it land on the ground and two new zombies grew right in front of us. Jordan opened his mouth in amazement and I soon followed. They had never been able to do that before so why could they do that all of a sudden?

“It’s the witches! They’ve put some cloning spell on them!” I heard Zayn yell out towards us as he threw a werewolf into the ground so hard, I swore I heard every small bone in its spine crack.

As I looked over to Harry I saw he was struggling but still fighting strong. My eyes widened as I saw a werewolf go to sink its fangs into his shoulder but just before it was able to clench and burst through the skin, he grabbed it’s jaw and pulled it wide open, being careful not to even so much as graze it’s teeth and before I knew it, the top half of its head was completely detached from its body.

I was about to lose myself in how strong and heroic he looked when suddenly I was greeted by the angry fist of a vampire but I was luckily able to snap out of it and dodge it just in time before whacking it over the head and brutally sticking my spear into the back of it.

“Come on Lily, you can’t afford to lose focus! This isn’t just a simple training session, this is the real thing!”

I nodded at Jordan, I knew what he was saying and understood completely that I didn’t have time to lose myself or our aim.

More hours had passed at it was pitch black when things finally became easier. The army let up a bit and retreated back to the line we had originally seen them in when two elderly ladies hobbled out to the front and looked down at Jordan and I, completely ignoring the other two.

“You two are very strong, I can see you’ve acquired some very useful training but we prepared for such a thing, I mean, of course we have, we have been watching you two very closely.”

Their voices spoke at the exact same time, the way you would imagine twins would do and both of their voices sounded sinister and untrustworthy.

Jordan and I looked at each other for a second before slowly looking back at them. We had no idea who they were or what they wanted but the fact that they were old didn’t make us automatically pin them as weak. In fact, the way that the army stood so firmly behind them made it seem like they were possibly the most powerful out of all of them.

“We know your troubles and we know your strengths. You are physically at the best condition two people could be and you have trained to the tip-top point of strength but tell us, how mentally strong are you?”

I looked worriedly at Jordan who continued to glare at the two. Harry and Zayn stared at us but refused to move a muscle, perhaps out of fear of what would happen to us? I looked back at them and frowned angrily.

“Why do you care?”

They both smiled.

“We just brought you a couple of small gifts…”

My eyes widened and Jordan looked at me, worried at my expression. I wasn’t going to say anything but for one small second I couldn’t remember I was surrounded by people and I felt it escape my mouth…

“Mum? Dad?”

Bloodstained LilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz