Chapter 29-The Possessed Do Believe...

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He began walking towards me, quickening his pace when I scuffled along the dirt and grass to get away from him.

“Werewolf? A werewolf? You think you have any right to leave us like that? I am 263 years old and never before have I seen someone run with their tail tucked between their legs like some sad pathetic dog! I get you don’t want to lose Jordan but do you think that turning into a werewolf is any better? I fight for the ones I love and never before have I heard of someone being so stubborn, so rude that they would actually choose to leave or betray those closest to them! I thought we were better than that!”

He stopped at me feet and glared down at me, a look I only expected to come from Zayn. Harry had never been so frightening before and in a way it both flattered and sickened me. If you think about it, he must have loved me a lot to say no to a decision that even I thought was way too abrupt and childish but at the same time, the fact that he was only now showing me this side to him made me extremely wary of him.

I frowned and stood up before meeting his face extremely closely though it wasn’t like other times. It wasn’t at all a romantic moment and the atmosphere around us was cold and dark.

“You know what Harry?”

I spread my arms out to my sides and took a few steps back and at that exact moment everything quietened down. The moans, groans and shouts of the creatures at the gate completely stopped, the wolf’s soft and calm panting had stopped and I swore I heard my own heart stop. It was dead silent.

“If you don’t want me to die by a wolf then kill me yourself! That’s even better, die by the one person I have come to love ever so fleetingly.”

His eyes widened with shock as did Jordan’s and Zayn’s. They must’ve thought I was crazy, they had to. When they refused to say anything I simply laughed, guffawed actually. I had no idea what was happening to me, I wasn’t at all in a joking mood but somehow my body burst out into laughter and I couldn’t contain myself. I could see fear rise in Jordan’s eyes and it must have been from how such a laugh sounded, it was the most evil thing ever to have come out of my mouth. Without wanting to, my mouth forced itself to continue.

“Do you guys think we are all alone here with these foul creatures? What happened to all those dracaena that died? And other creatures that are probably long gone? Think they turned into spirits? Let’s have a look see, shall we?”

I sounded drunk. I had no idea what had gotten into me. I wasn’t thinking and so I had no idea what I was processing and no idea how such heartless words were coming out from my mouth. The witches maybe? Whatever it was, it was blackening my heart and darkening my soul, the worst part is I could feel it all. It felt like someone literally ripping your heart out from your chest, or what I imagine that would feel like. I still stood up straight, I still seemed completely fine on the outside but on the inside I was breaking apart.

I lifted my arms up towards the sky and began twirling around like a child before looking up at the sky and smiling.

“Spirits, Oh Spirits! Shine down on us your emotions, your hopes, your thoughts!”

I couldn’t believe what I was saying. Was I chanting? To a force that may or may not exist? Was this all because of the war? Had I suddenly gone loopy?

I looked at the three boys who stared at me wide-eyed and hearts beating so loud I swore I could hear them from where I was standing, metres away. I continued to stare at them as I began chanting once again.

“Spirits, lend me your power! Show me the way!”

Suddenly my arms dropped down to my side and I felt my head grow heavy as it leaned over slightly to my right side and I watched as they all ran over to me, screaming out my name and Jordan trying his best to push past Zayn and Harry, his eyes flooding tears over the edge of his chin.

I saw my reflection in Harry’s eyes as he neared me…My iris, my pupil, they had disappeared to reveal nothing but white tucked in underneath my eyelids. I wanted to cry out towards him, to fall into his arms and apologise for the past however long it had been but for some reason, I was frozen, my expression paralysed in an emotionless state.

“Lily!” Harry cried, his tears finally pushing over the edge of his bottom eye lid.

Zayn quickly pushed him out of the way and gently placed his hands on my shoulders before staring deeply into my eyes. I felt my heart pound with hope, perhaps his immense power and abilities could get me out of this catatonic state?

He began speaking an ancient dialect I had never heard of before and suddenly my mouth opened. I was still frozen but he finally managed to get a movement out of me.

“Jordan must not fight tomorrow if he does, he will come across an unforgiving path that he will never be able to escape, for not even death could save his soul after an encounter like that. We will give you all immense power for today and tomorrow but after that, the day Jordan will grow into a magnificent beast, he must not go out to the battlefield, mark our words.”

Zayn glared at me and leaned in closer to take a good look at my eyes. He suddenly drew back and softened his gaze slightly.


I found myself falling to the ground as if the mystical force holding me up had left and I fell into Zayn’s arms before pushing myself up and thanking him. There were probably a million questions I should have asked but the only thing I could find myself to say was:

“Zayn? Who is Lillianne?”

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