Chapter 35-When Beasts Clash...

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He jumped up and bolted for the plain white door that stood metres in front of him. As he reached it, he peaked his head out and looked both ways down the hall, completely empty.

He ran at top speed, almost falling over his own feet when he realised that he was going particularly faster than usual but was met by a pair of tough hands that tightly grasped his shoulders and pulled him back. He was so close to leaving, in front of him was nothing but wide fields of grass that led off to the forest in the distance.

“Lily!” He screamed out at the top of his voice but two strong vampires were trying their best to pull him back inside.

“Let me go!”

They were struggling to keep their grip on him which was unusual for him since he knew he was only human…

He pushed past them and continued running but they quickly caught up to him and tried with all their force to pull him back and it was working as they managed to yank him a few metres back but it wasn’t long until he finally became angrier than he had ever been before…

“My sister is in danger! Get off me you foul beasts!”

“Sir, please calm down!”


His yell turned into what sounded like the roar of a lion and at that time, he shot his arms up in the air, making the two vampires fall to the ground and by the time they looked up at him, in front of them was a rotting wolf.

Big, blacker than night, sharp red eyes and skin peeling off from its legs and back made them quiver at the sight. It snarled at them as they quickly backed away fearfully.

“If she dies because of you two, I will kill you, I swear it!” A distorted voice came from the creature as it ran off across the fields and disappeared into the forest in only a matter of seconds.

The world flashed by and as it tried so hard to get used to its surroundings, it crashed into the wall at the camp and plummeted face first into the ground.

It gave off a soft grunt as it stumbled back onto its feet and looked at the wall it had just collapsed…the wall that didn’t even compare to its size.

It must have been at least four metres tall, maybe even more as it resembled the size of an unusually large truck.


The wolf quickly turned around to reveal Harry with his hands slightly up in the air so as to show he meant no harm.

“Where is she?” Jordan quickly asked in that ever so distorted and frightening voice.

The creatures at the other side of the wall took one look at him and ran the other way, they knew he was the ultimate weapon and if he was frightening to them before, now they would rather die than fight him.

“Calm down, Jordan. It’s your rage that has turned you into this werewolf/zombie/vampire hybrid. Just calm down and you will turn back to your human.”

Harry wasn’t one to plot however when it came down to saving those he loved, he literally would have done anything to save them and as much as he hated to admit it, he loved Jordan too.

Jordan did as he asked and took in multiple breaths until he was standing in front of Harry, looking like his normal self.

“Perfect.” Harry smiled

He paused for a second before quickly throwing a knife at Jordan’s head and as it hit Jordan, a perfect bullseye, he widened his eyes and frowned when nothing happened.

He didn’t feel faint and he most certainly didn’t feel weak, only merely agitated by the blood that was pouring down the front and sides of his face.

He slowly pulled it out and Harry watched intently as the wound healed straight away, leaving no signs of scaring or any harm whatsoever. Harry smiled deviously, the way Zayn had done plenty of times before.

“This is perfect. Wolf-up, we are going to need a quick way of getting to them and I have a firm idea of where they could be.” Harry said pleasingly.

“How are we meant to find her with a bunch of guards and Zayn himself protecting her?”

“You have dog-like senses, sniff her out. Just don’t forget to take me with you.” Harry smiled viciously.

Harry placed his hands on his hips and stood expectantly at Jordan who had no idea what to do next.

“Wolf-up.” He repeated.

“I can’t…”

“What, too scared you’ll hurt someone?”

“No, I mean I really can’t. I have no idea how to.”

“Well while you stand here trying to figure that out, Zayn is probably torturing her in ways we’ve never imagined.”

“He won’t hurt her…or even me. He loves us. He loves me like a son and Lily like a sister.”

Harry stormed up to Jordan to the point where he could feel Harry’s breath on his face and the heat of his anger.

“You’re naïve! He lusts after her…he doesn’t know a thing about love! He didn’t love me, he doesn’t love her and he doesn’t love you. He is going to stab her…”


“He is going to beat her…”

“No, he wouldn’t…”

“And he is going to…how should I put this? Kill her.”

Jordan cried out with anger and as he did, that disgusting though awfully powerful beast he had now become raised up and those two blood-red eyes glared down at Harry angrily.

“I get to bite his head off! I want to feel his skull crush beneath my teeth and his cries for help beneath my grasp!” That beastly voice made Harry shudder but he listened to every word and it immediately made that malicious smile return.

“That’s more like it!”

He climbed onto Jordan’s black, furry back and they both raced off at lightning-fast speed…

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