Chapter 19-The Truth Behind the Impending Doom

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One Year Later

Another year has come and passed. What happened during that simple year you ask? Nothing really out of the ordinary except well…my relationship with Harry. It hasn’t spiralled down or anything, in fact the exact opposite, it is going so well and he is very protective of me which is sweet but it can be suffocating at times. What else? Oh that’s right, Jordan is now fourteen, has it already been seven years since we first arrived? I’m now nineteen, which is only a year younger from when Harry first became a vampire.


I was greeted by the intriguing scent and flash of colour from the red rose now lingering just below my nose. I smiled and took the rose before bringing it closer and closing my eyes, taking in its beauty and compelling aroma. As I stood there, completely entranced by the world around me, hands swept my hair to the side and I smiled as I felt his breath on my neck.

Flawless, that’s how I would describe our relationship, a relationship with no expectations except possibly one-the fact that I was going to grow old and wither away was one that I could tell constantly whirled around Harry’s head but I preferred to just enjoy the time we currently had together.

“A perfect flower for a perfect girl.”

He swung me around to face him and I simply laughed.

“You’re such a cheese ball, that’s way overused, can’t you come up with something a little more original?”

He chuckled softly and leant down to kiss my cheek before taking hold of my one free hand and leading me through the countless amount of flowers and long, thin shreds of grass. I couldn’t tell what got me more worked up, the incredibly sweet scent of Harry’s single rose he had just given me or the feeling of his fingers being locked between my own.

“You’re complaining about being cheesy? Sometimes in this world, we have to make time for the small ‘cheesy’ moments.”

He laughed and my shoulder bumped into his playfully. It felt so easy being with Harry, I didn’t have to worry about hiding anything from him like I did Jordan and I didn’t have to worry about him hurting me like I did Zayn. Harry was the only stable thing in my life and I never wanted to part from him because of such reasons.

The clouds above us were getting heavier and darker, something that hardly ever happened which got me thinking about why now and why here? It almost seemed like Zayn was making it rain, for the past year he has been supportive but at the same time resentful of me and Harry’s relationship. He always told Jordan off for trying to separate Harry and me but at the same time he refused to be around us when we were all ‘lovey-dovey’.

“Do you want me to go buy us rain coats real quick?”

I looked up at him and stopped walking before glaring at him and gripping his hand even tighter than I already was.

“Don’t you dare move.”

He laughed and we continued walking through the beautiful flora the field had to offer. Nothing even compared to that day we had at the beach except for perhaps this moment. I knew it was going to be ruined as these moments never lasted as long as I wanted them too and when it finally was I found myself groaning frustrated.

In a matter of seconds, Zayn was standing by Harry’s side, whispering in his ear and I removed my hand from Harry’s, defeated. Whatever had just come up, it must have upset Harry in some way as he didn’t even seem to notice me walking away and heading towards the forest, wondering through the first few rows of trees.

“There’s always something. Never when I’m not around, it’s always as soon as we get together.”I complained to myself when suddenly I heard a soft snort coming from just ahead.

I looked up and frowned when I saw nothing there. Surely it can’t be my imagination? Perhaps I was breathing weirdly and I didn’t realise? Eventually I just shrugged it off and continued moving on ahead.

I wasn’t meant to leave the safety of the wall, especially not this far out into the forest but I couldn’t help but follow where my head was taking me. I had no idea where exactly I was going, all I knew was I had to get away from whatever Zayn was whispering to Harry about, obviously it couldn’t be anything good.

This time I heard a low, almost whisper of a growl but when I looked up, my eyes widened slightly. A wolf? What was a wolf doing this close to civilisation? I didn’t even think wolves lived in this country, let alone wonder the forest.

 I looked deep into the wolf’s eyes and tilted my head slightly. It’s eyes were almost compelling, drawing me closer towards them but I quickly snapped out of it and took a few steps back. Wolf or not, this creature in front of me was dangerous, perhaps not to a vampire but I was only human and I didn’t exactly want to be it’s lunch.

I turned around and began walking back to the hut when it ran ahead of me and cut off my path but it still refused to lay a finger on me. It simply growled softly and bowed its head down slowly. I wasn’t stupid, I knew that running would make things worse and they say in these kinds of situations to be very still.

I reached my hand out towards it, not knowing what I was doing and before I knew it, the wolf was walking towards me, our eyes locked together. When I finally touched it’s fur, I had wondered what all the fuss, what all the worry about wolves were. It’s fur felt like heaven, it was so unbelievably soft and I found myself scratching it behind the ear which made it make a purr-like noise which made me laugh.

“Lily!” I heard Harry call my name and I dropped my hand from the wolf before twirling around to face him as his sudden appearance gave me a bit of a scare.

I turned back to face the wolf and saw it had just vanished. I hadn’t even heard it run off or anything.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked curiously.

It sounded as if he hadn’t even seen the wolf and I began to think I was crazy. I wasn’t hallucinating was I? If I was, then there would be no way I would have been able to feel what it’s fur felt like, right? I found it a good idea to not mention what had happened to Harry as I didn’t want him freaking out for no apparent reason.

I walked back towards Harry and he quickly sped me back to the hut and inside the safety of the walls using his vampire speed. He placed both hands on my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes, bending down a little to match my height.

“Don’t go outside the fence okay? Zayn has just told me the werewolves are becoming a little restless.”

“The werewolves?!” I sounded fearful but I was more angry than anything else.

Was the thing I had just seen, the creature I had just made contact with a werewolf? And if it was, would it have sent word back as to where we were? I couldn’t help but question Harry on the information he had just trusted to me.

“Are they coming to kill us? Have they taken over the city? What do you mean they’re restless? Is it because they have been living in the shadows so long? And why now of all times?”

He hushed me and led me away from prying eyes…and ears.

“They think that with the number of zombies dropping, that they will be able to take over the city which they can. They are weak against zombies but unbelievably strong against us. If they do manage to find us here, then we will need you and Jordan to be ready because if they work past us and go for you guys, we need you two to be able to defend yourselves. We don’t expect you to fight but like I said, they are stronger than us. Zayn might be able to easily fend them off with his half zombie side but I am a full vampire and weak against them.”

My eyes widened. This was going to be a blood bath…

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