Chapter 3-The Monster Beneath The Facade

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He leaned in closer to me and I retracted a bit.

"I would NEVER harm a human. I get my blood from hospital blood bags, not directly from humans. Most vampires in the royal court tend to do that, it's unsightly to kill a human on grounds so-"

"Wait, wait, wait. You're a member of the high court?" I asked my eyes wide with amazement.

He looked so young, surely he couldn't be a part of the high court. Vampires in the court and positions of power over society had to be at least two thousand years old, though most were older than that.

The way he talked about his past life, he made it seem like he had only been a vampire for a couple of years, though I knew a vampire with his amount of control had to be at least a couple of decades old and he looked way too young for that.

Granted I was basing this on physical appearance and all vampires' physical appearance seemed enchanting yet it just didn't sit well with me that he could be thousands of years old.

"I am. I'm the King's physician."

My mouth opened. He was the King's physician? Let me explain something, there are four roles of power that stands at the top of the high court. The position with the least amount of authority is the court guards, then the judge, then the physician and then finally the King.

I had to take a deep breath, I couldn't believe it. Harry was the second most powerful being on the entire Earth!

Any other human would have knelt down on their knees and kissed his feet but I just sat there gawking with my mouth opened like some weird statue. He laughed softly brought his knees up to his chest which seemed like a slightly childish thing to do.

"H-h-how-" I stuttered, trying to form the words in my head but even my brain was a little fuzzy.

"How am I over two thousand years old?" He laughed and continued, "I don't even know. I'm actually 2391 years old to be exact and I know, with my past it makes it seem like I'm only a few years old-vampire years. The truth about my past is the King found me on the streets starving and he provided the same help for me that I'm giving you and that's where I learnt how to build my own hut and stuff. Although he was a lot more demanding than I am. He forced me to build my first hut in under an hour and when I couldn't finish he refused to give me food."

I drew back in shock and anger.

"That's awful! You were starving! Couldn't he see that? Couldn't he process that through his thick skull?" I asked agitatedly.

He shrugged and chuckled.

"He's really more of a tough love kind of guy. I trekked on through what he asked of me and eventually he turned me into a vampire and then I understood how much he loved me. He loved me like a son and I loved him like a father. See when you get turned into a vampire, you have a deep connection with your creator emotionally as you share their blood. I loved him like I had never loved anyone which is why it was so hard to run away."

My eyes shot up at him and he shrugged.

"You ran away? Why? If you guys really loved each other as much as you say then wouldn't it not only break your heart but his as well? If you really love him then why don't you go back to him?"

He shook his head and looked out towards the hut's entrance. What was he thinking? I love Jordan and I would never leave him no matter what the circumstances were so why would he leave his metaphorical 'father'? And if he ran away does that mean he is still the King's physician?

"I had to run away. If I didn't, I would have turned into a savage and I didn't want that."

My eyes widened. What did he mean he would have turned into a savage? Was the King really that brutal? Did he previously try to kill Harry? Or perhaps did Harry do something bad that the King influenced?

"See when you turn into a vampire, you pick up all your creator's little lifestyle choices and you practically live their life and I couldn't do it, the King has a side that no one sees except those really close to him. Right now, the only person that is that close to him is me and if I go back, I will unintentionally adopt all of his savageness and I can't, I refuse to. He's probably searching for me as we speak but he won't find me here. See the thing about the King is...though he means well, it is impossible for him to be 100% tame."

I frowned slightly and whispered a quiet 'why?'

"The King is half vampire, half zombie. He looks enchanting, beautiful and vampire like. His body is very much attached together all the time and he can speak extremely well it's just...his thought process is a little messed up and though his bites turn people into vampires, he eats brains and when a human gets too close, there's zero chance of survival for that poor soul. If I were to go back then I wouldn't eat brains or anything but I would kill every human in sight as he usually does. Look, I know I'm not human but I wish so badly that I was. So my place is anywhere he isn't."

My heart broke a little when he said that. I understood he was doing it for the good of human kind but still, he must have been breaking inside. If I had to be separated from Jordan then I would be so upset, I wouldn't rest until I found him. I look at Harry with a pained expression on my face and his smile seemed to ease it slightly, but not fully.

"How could he be both vampire and zombie? I mean, how did that happen exactly?"

He looked down unsure of what to say until his eyes finally made contact with mine once again.

"Zombies and humans were the first creatures on the earth but when the humans became brutal towards them, they hid in the shadows for centuries until vampires came into existence. King Zayn was attacked by a zombie on the battlefield once and he was bitten. Usually vampire bites over rule a zombie's bite but Zayn's heart had already been rotten from the zombie venom and so when he became a vampire, he turned extra monstrous. Everyone thinks he's the oldest vampire out there but he wasn't, he was the second oldest, it's just that his newfound brutality made him kill his creator. See the most terrifying thing about Zayn is that...due to his zombie bite, not only was his capabilities of a human increased but also the monstrous nature of his zombie side. He's stronger than a normal vampire and even one as old as me, he's a million times stronger than me which is why I had to run and I couldn't fight him, no one can fight him. He has powers beyond any god, any deity out there."

I shook my head and suddenly I could feel my eyes get heavy and my body become weak. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes as I began to drift off to sleep.

"Thank you for finally trusting me, Lily. I know you probably don't trust me 100% but this is a start." A faint voice sounded as I finally passed out.

The next morning I woke to find Harry gone and I quickly turned around and sighed with relief as I saw Jordan was still sleeping. I got up and walked outside, stretching as I rested my feet on a soft patch of grass beneath me, still squishing a few flowers however.

I slowly made my way over to the rock and I was about to climb up onto it when two forceful hands grabbed me and pulled me into them. I wanted to scream but one hand covered my mouth.

"Shh." I heard Harry say and I sighed with relief.

He lifted his hand from my mouth but continued to hold me into his chest.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

He looked around frantically and I could feel my heart start to beat faster. His worried expression made me feel a little sick to my stomach. What could he possibly have to fear? He was one of the oldest vampires around.

Zombies couldn't come out here without losing their legs and vampires only kept to the main streets, besides he could easily take out any normal zombie or vampire. So what could he possibly have to fear?

Suddenly a figure appeared across the way, hidden between trees in the forest and I couldn't make out exactly who it was. I was about to walk over when I saw that Harry had completely froze.


I could see his mouth open slightly and I could see his lips tremble. Why was he being like this? I thought he was all so powerful, the second most powerful being on earth. He said he could protect us from vampires and zombies. The only person who was stronger than him was-

"Oh no...The King?" I asked as I looked towards the figure who was now completely out of the forest but still across the other side of the field, though it would only take him a couple of seconds to make his way over to us...

Bloodstained LilyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon