Chapter 4-The Saviour

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The King remained standing across the way. I couldn't pick out exactly what he looked like, but Harry happened to mention previously that he wasn't scary-looking and for some reason, butterflies started to form in my stomach not out of nerves but something else...perhaps out of anticipation?

All of a sudden out of the corner of my eyes I saw Jordan running towards the figure, screaming with anger. Jordan?! What are you doing, you stupid boy!

I ran after him and when I had finally caught up to him, we were only metres in front of the King. He was tall, with tanned olive skin, two mesmerizing brown eyes and an arm full of art from what could have been centuries of information. His hair was gelled up and he had a small amount of facial hair on his jaw line which surprisingly worked for him. I looked at his smile and something seemed overly familiar by that one smile, as if I had seen it before.

I pushed Jordan behind me and looked behind me to see Harry, still where he stood before, motionless. He really was afraid, though I couldn't see why, the person in front of us didn't seem like they would hurt us. I quickly swirled myself around to meet the King's gaze and gentle smile.

"I'm sorry for my brother's behaviour, he's a little sceptic about vampires."

The King smiled and chortled softly. The entire duration of the time, our eyes were locked to each other but as he took a step forward, I couldn't help but take one back.

"Jordan go back to the hut and stay there." I almost whispered, my eyes still locked to the King's.

Jordan refused to do so, instead he glared at Zayn so hard that I swear I saw his eye twitch. I turned around and finally broke the stare long enough to look at Jordan who started moving as soon as his eyes met mine. Even though it was only for a second, I swore I could see a twinkle in his eye, but it alarmed me. Usually when one talks about a twinkle or a glint in the eye, it symbolises love but this was much darker, I swore I could see his hatred growing then and there.

"I'm sorry about that." I said again as I looked back up at the King.

He nodded understandingly and smirked slightly.

"It's nice to see you again, Lily."

My eyes opened wide. How did he know me? I had never seen him before in my life. Sure he seemed familiar but I'm usually very good with faces and for some reason I couldn't put my finger on exactly how I knew him, maybe a friend of my parents?

"I see my lovely creation is helping you out through your journey?"

'Oh no, here it comes' I thought. He was going to try something with Harry and from what Harry had told me, I guessed it wouldn't come as a soft punishment either.

"Please don't hurt him, as much as I hate to admit it, he's already helped us so much."

The King looked at me with a hurt expression on his face. Had I done something wrong? Had I said, expressed something that upset him? I took a few steps back from him, scared he would try something.

"I wouldn't hurt my son and I wouldn't hurt you." He smiled.

For some reason, my heart seemed to calm at his words but my head remained a jumble of thoughts that I couldn't even process.

Suddenly I felt something on my shoulder and I jumped as I turned around to find a now completely functional Harry, glaring up at the man he loved so much. How could he be this cold towards him? I got that things were difficult between the two of them, and I never understood or thought much of adult bickering but still if they loved each other, they should just learn to tolerate each other, shouldn't they?

Bloodstained LilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora