Chapter 21-The Death of a Friendship and the Brotherhood

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Before I continue on, let me explain. I’m sure it all came as quite of a shock to you, the attack on Harry and me I mean. It was a few weeks ago when Harry found out Jordan knew how to kill vampires. He found Jordan in an alleyway with a dead vampire in his grasp but what shocked us was that he had finally found a way, the only way to kill a vampire.

How, you ask? Well, it’s a simple question, yet so complicated and hard to answer until now. I heard Jordan had stabbed a silver knife into its heart, kept it there so it couldn’t heal and plunged his feet down onto the creature’s neck until it went right through. Harry said the sound was just disgusting…I can only imagine.

That’s why I felt frightened the second I saw Jordan holding the pole in his heart, that’s when my emotions were running wild. What was meant to be a friendly training session, turned into something deadly. I knew it wouldn’t kill Harry what with him being the second oldest vampire and all, but still I could only imagine the pain…

You see, the trick is to stop the healing process and then when it’s weak enough, go in for the kill. In a way, it’s like how lions hunt in packs, slowly stalking their prey until they’re weak and vulnerable and up until now, no one had known how to kill a vampire except for Zayn.

I can’t describe what I felt in that very second though…looking at them as I stood over my body. I watched with hatred as Zayn, my hero, my saviour, waited for Jordan to take back his previous comment but I couldn’t help but wonder, what was the point? I was clearly dead as I could see my dead body, I could see Jordan cry and I could hear Harry scream with grief.

“Fine I take it back! Just leave me alone with my sister, you dick!”

I cried as I heard Jordan say those words. If I ever did doubt his love for a second, then I didn’t anymore but it was too late. I felt uneasy as Zayn picked me up and fought Jordan off with one hand, making him enraged as he did. Without a second of hesitation, he grabbed hold of something below his shirt and pulled it off revealing a shark-tooth necklace.

He used it to cut a line down his arm and I cringed as a black-greenish coloured liquid poured out. Was that his blood? Was that what zombie blood looked like? If it was, it looked absolutely gag-worthy. I had to look away as he poured his blood into my mouth, I didn’t want to think of disgusting liquid like that coming into contact with me. Before my very eyes, I saw the blood wrap itself around where my spine used to be and suddenly as it disappeared, my spine was back-like magic.

Suddenly I began disappearing and it worried me as I found myself in two levels of consciousness, waking up in his arms, and disappearing still looking on from above. It was hard to describe, seeing two things at once, it was like a blended mix of the two and it made it very hard to come to grips with my life back.

I was worried more than anything. What would his blood inside of me mean? Would I become a vampire? A zombie? Both?

“Don’t worry, you’re fine. You are still human.”

I hated when he read my mind, with Harry it was okay now that he and I belonged to each other but Zayn was a different story. If his previous actions weren’t enough to drive me away, then what he just did to me and then after, made me want to throw up all over him.

I quickly got up and looked over at Harry who immediately ran at vampire speed into my arms and held me tighter than ever before. I hugged him back but I glared at Zayn who stood behind him as I did.

“I’m sorry, Lily. He had to be taught a lesson and you are fine now anyway. My blood will be circling around you for around a year so as long as you don’t come into contact with any other bites, you will be fine. I suggest you stay away from Harry, if he bites you, he will die remember? Zombie blood kills vampires.”

I broke away from Harry and he didn’t even try to stop me as I stormed over to Zayn and punched him right in the middle of his face, barely making him flinch. It seemed to hurt me more than it hurt him but I didn’t care, he deserved this.

“No, you just killed me and used your repulsive blood to heal me, you don’t have the right to bark orders at me! You don’t have any rights!”

“I have kept your race alive for more than two centuries I have every right!”

“You don’t get it! You say you want to be forgiven, you say you want to be good but then look at how you react!”

“I act with honour and pride and I should be respected the way a king deserves to be respected!”

“Well, let’s see what you’ve done to get me to respect you then, shall we? You drove Harry away from the castle, you pretended to be Harry to kiss me, you treat Jordan like he’s a child, you use Harry as an excuse to hurt others, you pulled out my spine and fed me what looks like poison but less attractive! So tell me, which of those should make me respect you?”

I remained strong as he frowned and lowered his heads so our eyes met in a line.

“I saved you a total of three times now. Once in the alleyway, once by keeping you safe here and just then I revived you from the dead! Don’t speak to me like I don’t have a heart! I have demons far more terrible than you can imagine, girl!”

“We all have demons, just because you have lived longer, doesn’t mean you know more about pain than we do.”

I crossed my arms and began to walk off with Jordan and Harry when Zayn took hold of my wrist and flung me into his grasp before smirking down at me and staring into my eyes lustfully. I quickly turned my head away, refusing to look at him which made him look down at the ground and smile.

“Would you prefer Harry?” He asked maliciously.

I turned my head around to face him and saw Harry’s outward appearance but it wasn’t him, and I most certainly did not love the man in front of me. Suddenly the real Harry pushed Zayn far into the air, making him change into his original appearance.

When I heard Zayn hit the ground, it was like thunder had cracked. I had never heard anything so loud in my life. Harry was being protective and I didn’t blame him, after what Zayn had done I would act that way too, had he done something to Jordan or Harry.

I froze. I wasn’t scared of Harry, I wasn’t scared of what he would or could do, in fact what shocked me had everything to do with Harry, but it wasn’t in a bad way, it was the realisation that I wasn’t safe anywhere except by at his side.

Zayn easily killed me once, he could do it again and again, as many times as he pleased and Jordan, now after knowing Zayn wouldn’t let me stay dead, he could ignore every threat Zayn made about me.

I knew Harry wasn’t about to let anyone hurt me and I knew he wanted to protect me now more than ever. I loved him for his protectiveness, knowing that he would never hurt me was a comfort I took pride in.

“If you even lay another finger on her, I’ll kill you.” Harry spat and he ran to my side.

“Geez, Harry, how do you kill something as immortal as I am?”

“There will be a way. Nothing is ever truly immortal…”

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