S1: Night School

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Winter POV

"Lock it, lock it!" Scott shouts, pulling me out of my shocked state.

"Does it look like I have a key?" Stiles cries, pressing his whole weight against the door.

"Grab something!"

"What?" I ask, looking around the empty hall.

"Anything!" They shout together.

I peer out the window, spotting the bolt cutters on the ground.

"No!" Stiles whisper shouts.

"Yes." I counter, opening the door.


I slip out, running over and grabbing the bolt cutters.

A growl draws my attention to the Jeep and Camaro. 

The Alpha stares at me, snarling.

I flip him the bird, backing up as he starts charging. I whip around and lunge inside, tossing Scott the bolt cutters as Stiles looks me over, grumbling about how stupid I was.

We back away from the door, Stiles turning on a flashlight.

"That won't hold, will it?" Scott asks quietly.

"Probably not," Stiles and I say together.

A howl splits the silence outside and we run, skidding into a classroom.

"The desk!" Stiles calls and I start helping shoving it. "Wait stop." He orders and we do.

"What?" I blink.

"That door isn't going to keep it out."

"I know," Scott sighs quietly.

"I hate your boss," Stiles grumbles.


"Deaton, the Alpha? Your boss."

"No!" Scott argues.

"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf."

"That can't be."

"Oh, come on. He disappears and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?"

I look away, biting my lip. Hard.

"It's not him."

"He killed Derek," Stiles deadpans.

"No, he's not dead. He can't be dead," Scott objects and I nod in agreement.

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next."

"Derek's not dead," I finally snap and they look at me.

"How do you know?" Stiles asks.

"I can hear his heartbeat. It's faint, but it's there."

Scott goes still, no doubt listening. "I don't hear anything."

"He's alive." I say firmly.

"What do we do?" He asks, panicking.

Stiles sighs. "We get to the Jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job. Good?"

We nod and follow him to the windows.

Scott tries to open the window but I stop him.

"They don't open. The school's climate controlled."

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