S1: Second Chance At First Line

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Winter POV

"Oo lucky number 13, eh Win?"

"Shut up Stiles." I smirk, taking the jersey from him and pulling it on over my black tank top.

"Small Stilinski!"

I turn to Coach.


"Had these altered for you." He tosses me a pair of gloves that will actually fit me.

"Sweet. Thanks Coach."

He waves me off and Stiles drags me behind him to find Scott.

"Why does he call me Small Stilinski? I'm only 5 inches shorter than you and Scott."

"'Only 5 inches shorter'. That's quite a difference," He teases.

I grunt and skid to a halt, spotting Scott leaning against the lockers, shirtless.

"Did you apologize to Allison?" I ask, walking over.


Stiles comes up beside me.

"She give you a second chance or..."


"Alright! So everything's good!" Stiles smiles and starts walking off.

"No," Scott says and Stiles stops.


"Remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them."

My mouth drops open and Stiles blinks.

"Her dad?"

"Shot me..."

"Allison's father?"

"...with a crossbow." Scott finishes, looking more confused.

"Allison's fath-"

"Yes her father!" Scott shouts then blinks, his chest heaving. "Oh god."

I lunge to Scott, smacking his face lightly.

"Hey Scotty? Come on. You ok?"

"He didn't recognize you right?" Stiles asks.

"No. Well I don't know."

"Does Allison know about him?" I ask.

Scott stares at me. "I don't know. What if she does? This is bad..."

"Just focus on Lacrosse, k?" Stiles says as a whistle blows. "Here, take these and this. Just focus on Lacrosse for now, ok? Alright?" He smacks Scott's shoulders. "Here. We. Go!"

I run after him as he takes off, tripping over a bench.

"C'mon Stiles." I laugh, pulling him up and outside.


"Let's go! One on one's up top. Jackson take a long stick today," Coach calls.

I jog into position at the back of the line, scanning the numbers on people's jerseys.

Stiles is number 24, Scott's 11, Jackass is 37, and the blue eyed boy that helped me was 14.

Since Scott's first line, he gets to go first. He runs at Jackass, only to get thrown to the ground.

I can see Jackass smirking from here.

Coach says something to Scott and he runs back to the line.

"McCall's gonna do it again!" Coach calls.

Scott charges again, throwing Jackass to the ground then falling to his knees himself.

Weretiger of Beacon Hills {Isaac Lahey}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt