S1: Magic Bullet

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Winter POV

School sucks. I mean, I know it usually does. But today was especially horrible.

Probably because I only got three hours of sleep.

I tap my desk with a pen, watching the teacher hand out tests.

Stiles pokes Scott's shoulder, leaning forward.

"So who's the Alpha?"

Scott shrugs, scribbling something on his paper.

Stiles sits back, sending me an exasperated look before leaning ahead again.

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know."

Back once more, huffing.

I sigh as Stiles tries again.

"Does Allison's father know about the Alpha?"

"I don't know!" Scott snaps, turning around.

I smirk at Stiles when he looks around at the turned heads.

The teacher drops the tests onto their desks.

"Whoa dude you need to study more," Stiles comments to Scott.

Cue glare.

"That was a joke," He clarifies.

I pick up my test, mentally patting myself on the back for the B+.

"Scott it's one test. You're gonna make it up." Stiles reassures him. "Do you want help studying?"

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school."

"Alone?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

Scotty nods.

"That's my boy," Stiles says, sounding like a proud parent.

"We're just studying," Scott tries.

"Uh, no you're not."

"I'm not?"

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-"

"Okay!" Scott cuts him off before he really got going. "Just... stop with the questions man."

"Done. No more questions."

I sigh in relief, resting my chin on my hand.

"No more talk about the Alpha, or Derek. Especially Derek," Stiles glances at me. "Who still scares me."

I roll my eyes and try to focus on the blackboard.


On my way to my next class, I catch a faint metallic scent.

I look down and crouch, swiping my finger through the drop of blood.

It's Derek's.

I grab my phone and call Stiles.


"Hello to you too, cousin."

"Winter we're in class!"

"No you're not. You have free period right now with Scott."


"Yes I know your schedule. Anyway, Derek's here."

"Are you kidding? Where?"


"You just said he's here."

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