Chapter 24 - Returning Home

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"I say, so what if everyone found out. It is none of their business, and I, for one, like seeing Severus in a caring manner. It suits him," Minerva jumped in, causing both Rowan and Severus' eyes to widen. I certainly wasn't expecting that response, Rowan thought as she sighed. She cuddled into Severus, who seemed to relax as Rowan closed her eyes. 

Sleep slowly consumed her as the rising and falling of Severus' chest lulled her and gave her a feeling of contentment. Severus smiled as she slept on his chest, knowing that he could protect her from anything that came there way. 

He knew this might be the last time they were able to do this until school let out in the summer unless they went public with their relationship. Deep down, Severus wanted to. Not so much to show off, something he would never do around the students. Just so that whenever they walked together, they didn't have to act like strangers. He wanted to be able to dance with her at the yule ball, and even share their living quarters. However, Rowan wanted to keep things private between them. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make to keep her by his side. 

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Rowan awoke to find herself against the wall instead of where she had been, and that Severus had seemed to have left the compartment. "I hope you slept well, dear. Severus left to get changed into his robes, as you should do," Minerva said as she saw Rowan stir awake. Rowan nodded groggily and grabbed a bag that contained the new robes Severus had gotten her for Christmas. Slowly, she made her way down to a small bathroom in the back.

Just as she was about to knock, a tall and handsome professor burst out of the door. "Professor Knight," He nodded as he stepped out of the bathroom and sliding past her, placing his hand on the small of her back. "Did I wake you?" He whispered as Rowan walked past him. Shaking her head slightly, she smiled at him and closed the door. 

Strangely, this had been a moment Rowan had been looking forward to. She finally felt like a professor and not a student, although she was only an assistant. This made her wonder about her future at Hogwarts. She couldn't stay his assistant forever, not that she was complaining too much about that. Sure, she made about half of what the other professors made, but she had so many great memories and Severus at her current job. 

Rowan quickly changed into her robes, pinning a small Slytherin badge to the collar. It was something typically done by prefect students, but Rowan only found it prideful to show off her house. She had worn a thunderbird pin at Ilvermorny, but she hadn't even looked at it since she became a student at Hogwarts. 

Rowan began to walk back to her compartment when she heard something that made her stop in her tracks. "Look at this first-year trying to act all strong! Not much of a true Slytherin, aye Goyle?" The voice of Vincent Crabbe could barely be heard over all the commotion from all of the other student's conversations. "Not at all, Crabbe. Little mudblood should have never been chosen for our house," Gregory Goyle responded slyly, a hearty chuckle bursting from his chest. 

"Guys, I'll leave you alone, I swear. Please don't take me to Malfoy," The first-year pleaded and that's when Rowan decided to step in. "Hey, guys! What's going on?" Rowan asked, addressing the first-year specifically. She didn't know this first-year as it appeared he hadn't chosen to take potions in his first semester at Hogwarts. To be fair, Rowan didn't blame him. 

"We were just playing 'round, right kid?" Crabbe said, nudging the first-year with his elbow. "Not another word, Crabbe. I wasn't talking to you," Rowan snapped, her face hardening when she looked at the older pair of children. She quickly replaced her scowl with a small smile, turning back down to the first-year. "What's your name?" She asked softly. 

"I'm Oliver Green, but you can call me Ollie, Professor," The first-year said rather timidly. Rowan nodded and held out her hand for the boy to shake. "I'm Professor Knight, I work with Professor Snape. Have you met your head of house yet?" Rowan asked kindly, and the boy shook his head wildly. "Well, how about we go and explain to him what happened with these two," Rowan began, turning to look at Crabbe and Goyle. "Detention tonight with Professor Snape, boys," Rowan said with a cocky nod. 

"You can't give us detention! You're just an assistant!" Goyle whined loudly. Rowan almost laughed, but she knew it wasn't the time to. "And ten points from Slytherin. Why don't we go and ask Professor Snape what punishment I can give out?" Rowan said, venom in every word she spoke. She couldn't stand it when children were bullied for their blood status. 

The three boys nodded and followed Rowan all the way to where Severus, Sybill, and Minerva were. When Severus noticed their presence, he raised his eyebrow in an annoyed fashion. "Why do you have children with you, Professor Knight?" Severus asked in confusion. 

"Well, Crabbe and Goyle here thought it was okay to pick on Oliver Green, a first-year. When I tried to give them detention tonight, they said I couldn't because I am only an assistant," Rowan's words almost caused Minerva to choke on the tea she had been sipping. Severus' face angered as he stood up and closed the doors to the compartment. 

"Green, was it?" Severus asked, turning to the small first-year. The small boy nodded timidly, not even making eye contact with the potions professor. "Look at me, Mr. Green," Severus said in his usual stone-cold tone. The boy looked up and his eyes were filled with fear. "What exactly did they say to you?" Severus asked, glaring at Crabbe and Goyle. 

"They called me a mudblood, sir," Oliver replied quietly and Rowan watched as Severus' eyes darkened with anger. Rowan knew he had a bad history with that word. "Five points to Slytherin for bravery. You are dismissed," Severus said to Oliver, who thanked him quietly and scampered away. "As for you two, the disrespect to my... assistant," Severus began, looked over at Rowan for only a moment. 

"Two weeks detention, each. That is a total of four weeks, in case you're more moronic than you already seem," Severus said venomously and the boys seemed to cower in fear. "But-!" Goyle tried, but the glare he received from Severus shut him right up. "You will serve it tonight with Professor Knight and myself. However, after tonight you will be serving with Filch," Severus said as he waited for a response from them. When the boys stayed silent, he waved his hand at him. 

"Well? You're dismissed and for your own sake, stay away from Oliver Green," He called out as the two disappeared out of sight. 

"You didn't have to be that harsh Severus," Rowan said as they entered back into the compartment with Minerva and Sybill. "Of course I did. They aren't allowed to disrespect my girlfriend like that," Severus said with a smile as he pulled Rowan into an embrace, his arm resting on her shoulders. Sybill was still fast asleep, much to Rowan's surprise. 

Rowan could vaguely see the outline of Hogwarts from the window and a bright smile came to her face. "Look Severus," She whispered, pointing out of the window. "It's our starting point, my dear," Severus said as he placed a small kiss atop of her head. 

"Well, I am excited to see where you two go," Minerva said with a wink. Severus nodded at the transfiguration professor. "I am too," He said and turned to the window. Rowan could see his reflection smiling brightly, though Severus would never admit to this. 

Love and Potions - Severus Snape x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu