Eddie x Juicy

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**I haven't done one of these in a while either. It's been Eddie and Narrator which is a wonderful ship but I like this one too. I will be using Juicy's real name in this! Enjoy!**

Juicy's POV:

Me and the boys are going to have a pretty chill night at the bar. Pretty chill as in probably get fucking hammered and have to call an uber so we don't get arrested. When we get there Eddie is already ordering shots and a few bottles for himself. 

I sit in between Mully and Narrator and watch as Eddie comes back with the drinks. I stare at him, not able to take my eyes off of him. I didn't know why Eddie would drink so much when we went out. Everytime I asked he would always just say, "I'm Mexican dawg, it's in my blood!" 

Eddie raises an eyebrow at me wondering why I was staring at him so intently for about five minutes. I shake my head and just smile, before he could ask questions I look at all the drinks. "Woah you sure you don't want to cut back on some?" I ask. 

Mully shoved me 'playfully' as he said I winced a little, "Come on Juicy you can't handle a little alcohol??" He grinned knowing he was offering a challenge up, knowing that I'd agree. I glare, "I can handle a shit load of alchol!" Eddie smiled, "That's what I'm talking about!" Narrator sat back on his phone, "I'll have to be a bit sober to get us home so not tonight for me boys.." Mully shrugged, "More for us then" He started taking shots with Josh.

I grabbed one and quickly dunked it back, swallowing it quickly. Eddie had opened a bottle of tequila and was already drinking half the bottle, "Woah Eddie relax dude" I laughed a little and he smiled, "Nah dawg! I gotta beat Mully!" He continued to drink and I sighed softly, "god he was so cute.." I muttered to myself. 

Eddie looked at me again, shit he heard me. I just look at him with a confused expression as well hoping to throw him off of what I said. 

He shrugged and opened another bottle. 

Eddie's POV:

I glanced over at Juicy who said.. I was cute? Did I hear that right? He looked at me confused and looked away fast, a slight blush on his cheeks. 

I smiled softly but shrug and opened the now second bottle of tequila I had. Mully was downing shots over and over again. I chuckle and get halfway done with my second bottle. I started feeling the alcohol get to me and I felt the tipsiness getting to me. 

Juicy took a few more shot and leaned back "Oh god I'm going to be so hungover tomorrow..." I smile at his cuteness. Wait a second, I called Juicy cute?? Why I'm really drunk..but he really is. I mean I know he called me cute. 

I see Mully finish the last shot on the tray and he laughed at Juicy "Told you'd I beat you cunt!!" His words were somewhat slurred as he spoke. Juicy glared at Mully, "You never said that.." Juicy grabs the tray from the lady who brought us refills. 

He grabbed two and downed them instantly. "Fuck you Mully..." He glared at him standing up almost falling down. Narrator sat up straighter ready to catch him if he did fall. Juicy walked a few feet before falling on top of me. 

I heard him giggle a little, "Oh hiya Eddie~ Didn't mean to do that~" He got up a little and stood up again regaining his balance. "I'll be back okay.." He walked towards the door and outside. 

I was so confused but decided to just let him be. 

Juicy's POV:

I was extremely tipsy and was trying my best not to fall over. I walk outside with a blush on my face and sit down on the bench. I fell onto Eddie inside and I instantly turned red. I tried acting casually but I don't think it worked well. 

I pulled out my lighter and a cigarette, lighting the end (I know he probably doesn't smoke but just imagine for me okay?) He inhales and looks up, it was already dark and the sky was covered in stars.

I heard the door open and expecting it was Eddie I quickly put out the cigarette and stood up only to see Mully walk out. He was fucking drunk, I rolled my eyes, "What the hell do you want asshole..?" I was going to push past him and walk off but he grabbed my arm, "I'm not an asshole Gaege. 

I'm the nicest to you here.." I couldn't help but laugh, "Your so fucking drunk you prick, get off of me " I pull my arm away but he grabs my shoulder pushing me against the wall. Wow for a drunk man he is strong, "Take it back.." He glared, "Take what back?" I scoffed.

He glared and slammed me into the wall again, I winced, "Take. It. Back." he glared at me. I shake my head, "Hell no! It's the truth! You're a prick to me and everyone else!" I say. 

I don't know if I was gonna regret that, but I'm about to find out. 

**SOOOO cliffhanger sorry. These POVs got pretty long and I decided I could do a part two! Sorry this is taking a bit longer. It is almost Christmas and I'm trying to multi task so please work with me XD And I know there really wasn't much for the ship here but again that's why a part two will be here!! **

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