Narrator x Eddie

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**So if anyone has twitter I hope you saw the post where Eddie said that Narrator and Juicy were going over for Halloween. Narrator and Eddie started talking about fanfiction and I just had to XD. They asked for it really! I hope you enjoy this**

Eddie's POV

Halloween was almost here. There was leaves all over my yard and it was really cold. I was thinking Grant and Gauge could come over for Halloween but I wanted to talk with them about it first. I know for a fact that they'd probably say yes it's just I know that everything is going to go down hill.

 I laugh a little to myself, imagining Juicy jumping off the balcony into the pool or Narrator getting so hammered that all he can speak in is his narrator voice. I decided to text them now to see if they were up to it. 

Eddie: Hey boys! Halloween is pretty much amongst us, do y'all think we could hang out over at my place?

Grant: That sounds like a fantastic idea

Gauge: On one condition...

Eddie: That depends..what condition


Grant: XD XD XD

Eddie: XD No promises 

Gauge: Good enough for me XD

Eddie: I'll pick you both up tonight? 

Grant: Okay

Gauge: Alrighty

I put my phone away and smiled, 'it's going to be a wild few days'

Grant's POV:

I had packed a few things before Eddie got there. I knew we would be staying there a few days so I decided just to be safe. My phone starts ringing and I see Eddie's name pop up on the caller ID. I answer it and smile when I hear his voice. "You know it is cold outside right? I'm here let's go" I hear him laugh on the other end. 

I hang up and grab my things. I don't know what it is, it's just something about Eddie that gives me butterflies in my stomach. His accent, his spanish words, his hair, his face, literally anything about Eddie makes me blush. I get into the car and smile, "Okay next stop Juicy" He laughed again and headed now over to Gauge's house.

 It was silent until we got there and we both see Gauge come out but like the clumsy guy he is, he trips over his feet all the way down the porch. Me and Eddie both laugh our asses off just to hear Gauge yell at us in the car, "Excuse me but I could have broken my self!!" He glared at us both. 

Eddie mumbled, "Yea your dignity.." I burst into more laughter and Gauge looked at Eddie, "I will burn all the mexican food you have at your place" Eddie grinned, "Touch my tacos and we will only have two people in the house" We joked around the entire way to Eddie's place and when we got there we all went inside. 

I got my stuff out of the trunk and turn around bumping right into Eddie, "Oh sorry dawg" He said blushing a little, and running a hand through his hair. I blush "Oh no my bad sorry" I close the trunk door and I see Eddie still standing there like he was nervous. I look at him, "Is something wrong?" He shook his head, "Nah it's fine, we should go in" He quickly walked to the door but tripped over the curb. 

Eddie's POV

I already knew I embarrassed myself enough so I quickly head towards the door but trip over the curb instead. I yell out bracing for the impact of the concrete but feel someone grab my arm quickly pulling me closely into their arms. "Jesus Eddie, your almost as clumsy as Juicy" He laughed a little. I blushed darkly looking at Grant's eyes. They were so bright it was like I was looking at the stars.

 I bring myself back into reality and glance at my hand on his chest, "Um..Grant..I'm" He realized and blushed as dark as me, "Oh sorry" He let go making sure I had my balance. "Okay now we should go inside." I say and carefully stepping over the curb this time. He nodded and followed.

 To be honest if I wasn't mistaking it looked like Grant was a little..sad? Before we went inside I stopped him at the door, "Are you okay?" He looked at me and he sighed, "I'd prefer to talk about it when Gauge falls asleep or something." I nodded worried, I hope I didn't upset him somehow. 

We go inside and see Gauge already sitting in the floor with a pillow watching a scary movie. "You gotta wait on us too Juicy!" I smiled, and Gauge just shrugged, "No you were taking to long and Scream was on soo" I shook my head and sat on the couch. Grant sits beside me, making me blush again. 


The movie ended and Gauge had fallen asleep halfway through it. I look up at Grant, "So..what's going on?" I ask again, turning to him. Grant carefully looked over Gauge making sure he was actually asleep and looked at me nervously. "I think I should come clean...I know that even if you don't agree I have to let this out..I.." He sighed, "Eddie I think I'm in love with you." 

I blush darkly as he starts stuttering and going on a rant, "I don't know what it is about you, but it's honestly everything. I love the way you speak, the way you look, the way-" I cut him off by kissing his lips softly. "Aw I didn't think you really did, I was worried~" I smile letting my accent get caught up in my words.

 He blushed and kissed me again, "Well there isn't nothing to worry about because I do love you Eddie from the bottom of my heart.." I smile, "I love you too Narrator~~"

**I feel a little bad about leaving Juicy out but I just put Juicy in a recent one so I thought I should do these two. I was debating whether I should make them all be together but I just couldn't make a decision so I hope you liked this one. Leave any requests you have below^^**

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