Mully x Josh + Reekid

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**@Ztec3124 had a request for this so here you go! This is the first time I have ever added Reekid to it or even done something like this so I hope it's good!^^ **

Josh's POV

I am in my kitchen, sitting at the table, eating lunch when I hear a knock on my door. I sigh thinking it was Mully with his mysterious drop bys. I get up and go to the door and look out the peephole, about to give Mully a piece of my mind but see in shock, it's Reekid. 

I open the door, "Reekid what the hell are you doing here mate??" Reekid looked upset and I was getting a little worried. "Josh can I come in please...?" He asked me softly. I think about what his parents must think of him just coming over to my place but I let him in and close the door behind him. "Reekid what's wr-" I immediately get cut off with Reekid hugging me tightly and sobbing, "Josh I can't live there anymore! I can't! I don't know what to do!" 

I could already feel my shirt getting a little wet from how much he was crying. I hug him softly, "Hey, calm down..what's wrong? What are you talking about?" I ask him still a little confused. Reekid takes a deep breath and steadies his voice, "Josh I can't live with my parents anymore..all they do beat me and I can't take it anymore.." He spoke softly. My eyes were wide and I was in shock. 

In videos we always joke about Reekid's parents beating him or making him do stuff he didn't want to but some of that wasn't even a joke it was real life. "Reekid how long has this been happening??" I ask him. HE looked up at me and sighed, "It's been happening a few months now and I thought it would be fine..If I could just listen and behave they said it would be okay..but I somehow mess something up..everyday.." I sigh. 

I didn't know exactly what to do but I wasn't going to send him back over there with his parents. I was actually going to call the police. But I decided first I should call Mully and we should see if there are any markings on him before we call them. I quickly grab my phone and dial Mully's number.

Mullen's POV

I hear my phone ring from the other room. I sigh and get up from my computer and pick up my phone seeing Josh's name pop up on the caller ID. I sigh again and answer, "Josh I am editing a video I don't have time to-" I stop instantly when I hear what he had said, "What??". I hear him sigh on the other end of the phone, "Reekid is staying with me..I need your help though..he..he says his parents have been beating him..I want to call the police but I need help to make sure he had marks or bruises"  I was so confused. 

Why on earth would Reekid's parents beat him. It was unbelievable. "I'll be over there in 20 minutes" I say and hang up. I grab my car keys and my hoodie and get in the car driving to Josh's place.


I finally get there and get out of the car, quickly knocking on Josh's door. He opens the door and let's me in. I look around and my eyes land on Reekid who is sleeping on the couch.

 Josh closed the door and sighed, "Mully I don't know what to do..I haven't checked him yet but I want to before I call the police." Josh sighed and leaned against the wall. "Do you think we can check him while he is asleep?" I ask him.

 Josh shrugged, "I mean we can try but I don't want to wake him up.." I nod, "Okay let's just be careful." We both walk over to him and kneel down.

 There were no marks or bruises around his arms so that was a good sign, "We may have to lift his shirt.." I say. 

Josh shook his head, "Mully I don't think I can do this.." I shake my head, "It's okay Josh. Relax. it's fine."

 I carefully lift up his shirt to see what was underneath. 

**YES LEAVING IT AS CLIFFHANGER SORRY! I just had to. This is actually very interesting to me so I'm going to do a part two for sure. I hope you enjoyed this first part though^^**

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