Mully x Juicy (Part 4)

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**So this may be a bit long I'm just gonna warn you now. I'm also going to start in Josh's POV just because it's easier to understand. Well I'm doing good with the updating again so please enjoy!**

Josh's POV:

I sigh on the way back to Gaege's place. I forgot my house key on the table so I looked like an idiot when I got to my house. Grant offered me a ride back but I decided not too. I probably left my keys because of the stupid situation with Mully and Juicy. 

Mully was supposed to stay with me but decided he wanted to stay with Gaege instead. I sighed frustrated. He is just stupid.  I sighed as I walked up to the porch and knocked. There was no answer and I rolled my eyes. 


I try to open the door and it actually opened. I walked inside and went to grab my keys but I stopped as I heard noises upstairs. I walked upstairs quietly and stopped, my mouth dropped. Mully and Gaege were...I couldn't even say the words. I didn't know if I was more upset or mad. I felt my eyes fill with tears and ran downstairs as fast as possible, grabbing my keys and sprinting home. 

Tears fell down my cheeks as I ran. I sobbed, not believing what I saw. 

I didn't want to believe it. 

I wouldn't believe it. 

Mully's POV:

I was cuddled up close to Gaege. I was so comfortable and of course something had to ruin it. My phone started going off and I leaned over to see it was Josh calling. I felt bad last night for changing the plans, I might as well apologize now. 

I carefully get up and step out into bathroom across the hall. "Hey Josh it's-" before I could even finish what I was going to say, Josh cut me off, "Have fun last night?" I tilted my head slightly confused, "Um..yeah I guess, I'm sorry that I changed the plans last night maybe later this weekend we can-" He cut me off again and I heard the anger in his voice, "You can't lie to me Mullen! I know what you and that...that asshole were doing last night..." He growled angrily. I was confused at first but got frustrated, "What the hell are you talking about Josh??" Josh slammed something down on what sounded like his desk, "I left my keys over there the other night! I went back to get them and I end up walking in on you two assholes fucking!!" He shouted into the phone. 

I was now mad. 

I was okay if he called me an asshole but not Gaege, he did nothing wrong. "Josh first off you need to stop yelling and saying names. And second it is none of your concern alright!" He scoffed, "Oh yeah totally not when you change plans with someone that were made for two weeks now and decided to change them to just fuck a bitch!" He yelled. I growled angrily, "Shut the fuck up Josh! Stop being such a prick! You're just a fucking asshole!" I hung up angrily and slammed my phone down. I closed my eyes tight trying to ignore my anger.

I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door and saw Gaege standing there with a concerned look, "You okay Mully?" I was still angry but I calmed myself when I looked at Gaege, "I just got a stupid phone call is all. I'm alright really" I sigh and hold his hands gently. Gaege smiled and nodded, "Well maybe me, you, and the boys can hang out today. We can play some video games here." He smiled. I wanted to tell him everything but thinking back to how bad I saw his arms, and the hateful words Josh had said, I didn't want him to repeat those bad things, "Yeah..sounds great."

I force a smile and he giggled, "I'll get everything ready." 


Juicy's POV:

I was excited to see the boys again to be honest. They are my best friends in the world. I sigh softly as I made Mully and me some breakfast. I remembered all those times Mully was so rude to me. And then the other night how he felt so sorry after finding out about my arms. I sigh again and set the table together. 

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