Josh x Juicy

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**So this idea was from @personwholikestacos I love this idea. It isn't like the idea entirely but it kinda gave me a good idea. I hope you enjoy this! And before we go on to the story, WE HIT 1K!!! I can't believe we did! Thank you guys so much! I love that you guys love the stories! Thank you**

Josh's POV

I was texting Mullen on my phone in the last period of the day

Mullen: So hang out at my place today?

Josh: Sure mate

Mullen: Okay see you then

I look up to the teacher standing beside me, I sigh, "What is it?" She glared and crossed her arms, "What is it? Is that even a question??" She tapped her foot frustrated, I laugh, "If a sentence has a question mark at the end it is a question" I state matter-of-factly.

 Some on the students laughed and the teacher glared, "You are a nuisance in this class. See me when the school day ends." She walked to her desk annoyed and I just rolled my eyes. 
I sigh and walk up to the teachers desk as the bell rang. All the other students run out the door and the teacher just stares at me until all the students completely leave. She pushed a few papers toward me and looked at me with a serious expression, "I am assigning you a tutor.." I look her like she was crazy, "I'm sorry what now?" 

She shook her head not wanting anymore from me, "I will fail you unless you take this tutor." I shook my head, "It's not happening, just give me detention or something.." She sighed, "That doesn't seem to work so no..tutor or you fail your choice. If you make the right decision he will be waiting for you in the library."

 I sigh and snatch the papers off her desk and head to the library. On the way there I text Mullen again

Josh: Change of plans I have to stay after school to have a tutor 

Mullen: What the hell dude??

Josh: Sorry we can push the time up a little

I walk into the library and look around. No one was in there except a guy sitting out the table. Even the librarian was gone. I head towards the table to the mysterious peson.

Gauge's POV

I see a guy walk into the library a little annoyed. This must be him, "Hey.." I wave a little but he just rolls his eyes. I sigh, I already knew this was going to be a long session. His hair was a little messy and he had a hoodie on. 

I honestly think I've seen him around before. Eddie has pointed him out to me and I always thought him as a cutie. I blushed a little at my thoughts and shake my head. He sits down and sighs, "Can we make this fast?" He asked me and I look at the time, "We have an hour so I don't know.." He scoffed and got on his phone.

 I looked at the papers he was given, "So what are you exactly struggling with?" I ask. He doesn't respond and I decided to ask something else, "What have you already done?" He still ignored me. I glared at him and sighed snatching his phone. "You will get this back when you are finished." He glared "Give it back" I stood up, "No" He glared standing up "Dude give it back or else!" 

He walked around the table and I quickly ran down a few rows of bookshelves to the back. I needed to hide this thing so he would actually listen to me. I bump into someone and see him standing in front of me, and it was him. I gasp, "Oh boy.." I turn but he grabs my arm and pins me against the shelf, "Ouch.." I mumble.

 He snatches his phone back and puts it in his pocket. He turns me around but keeps me pinned against the shelf, "Can you let me go now?" I ask him nervously. He laughed, "I saw how you were looking at me when I walked in..I know your little secret." He smirked. 

He lifted my head up with his hand and smiled even more, "Why don't we continue studying at my house? I'll let my friend know we can hang out tomorrow." I was blushing so darkly and couldn't even form words. I nod like an idiot. He grins giving me his address "See you later~" 

**I don't know if I'll do a part two of this I only will if people ask me too. Thank you for the 1.1k I really appreciate it!**

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