Eddie x Narrator + Juicy (Part 2)

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**First off this is art work someone did from an actual photo of him. (SPOILER ALERT: THE IMAGE IS NOT MY ARTWORK) Second I am going to use a mixture of their names in this part like I'll use Narrator and Grant and with Juicy I'll use Gaege too. Sorry this part took so long. I'm trying really hard to get back into the swing of things. ^^ **

Narrator's POV:

I was in absolute shock. Gaege's trick worked. Me and Eddie both look down seeing the now smaller, child Gaege. "What the hell just happened Grant??!" 

Eddie only used my name when he was extremely freaked out or extremely drunk. "I think his trick worked.." Eddie shook his head fast and started pacing back and forth cursing in spanish and mumbling some words I understood, some I didn't.

 "Eddie you need to calm down." I looked at him and he ignored me. I glared and grabbed him by the shoulders. I have never ever hit my friends but if that's what is going to bring him to his sense I will.

 Luckily he calmed down and I sighed relieved, "Are you okay now?" I ask nervous that it would just trigger him into panic again. He nods softly, "I am..okay" He looked back down at baby Juicy and sighed. "He said it wares off right..so we just wait for it too.." I nod and pick up baby Juicy. "Are you okay Juicy? Can you even speak words?" He blinked a few times and just stared at me.

 I sigh, "Okay so he can't talk.." I hear Eddie sigh as well, "What do you think we should do?" I think a moment and shrug, "I guess we watch him until he is back to his regular self.." 

Eddie's POV:

"I guess we watch him until he is back to his regular self.." Grant spoke softly. Was he serious? What did he or even me know about raising a child?

 I sigh frustrated, "Grant I don't think we can do this..." He just shook his head, "We are, we have no choice.." I laugh half heartedly, "Grant we need to get help from someone." He just shook his head again, "No we are his friends and we can do it..you trust me right Eddie?" 

He looked at me and I sighed, "Yes baby I do but..what if he doesn't-" He cut me off, "He will calm down.." I decided there was no point in arguing so I just nod, "Okay okay let's just..Lay him down and see if he'll sleep."

 We both walk upstairs and lay him in the bed. He blankley looked up at us like he didn't know what to do. I sat down, "Why don't you go to sleep baby Juicy..will you please go to sleep." I asked him hoping he could understand me. 

I knew he couldn't as he laughed and rolled over, "I guess that is a no then.." Grant sighed. "Maybe he is hungry? What can he eat?" I looked at him, and Grant just shrugged "I'm not really for sure.."

 I sigh, getting more frustrated so I get up and grab my phone, "I'm calling Tanner.." 

Nobody's POV:

Tanner is editing her video to post today and stops to look at her phone. It starts playing the ringtone set. She sighed and stopped what she was doing. She picked up her phone and saw the call was from Eddie. 

That's very rare so she answered quickly, "Hello??" Eddie's voice came from the other end, "Tanner hey..I just have a weird question..and I was hoping you would have an answer.." She was so confused, "I may..what is it?" Eddie was silent for a moment as he took a deep breath, "Do you know what babies eat?" She stops and just bursts out laughing, "Wow that was not what I was expecting."

 Eddie sighed and said a little something in spanish that she didn't understand. "This is a legit question Tanner, do you know?" She stopped laughing and caught her breath, "It depends really. If they don't have teeth then they have baby formula and eat from a bottle. If they are starting to get teeth then they eat baby food. Now if they are around three or four they can eat actual food but not too hard for food." She finally finished. 

It was silent for a moment and she heard a pen drop, "Okay thank you so much Tanner I owe you one" She was about to say your welcome but the line dropped, "Um..okay" 

Eddie's POV:

"Thank you Tanner I owe you one." I hung up and sigh with relief, "Okay Grant we need to see how far he regressed down, does he have any teeth?" I ask.

 Grant picked up baby Juicy and opened his mouth, "A few but not many.." I smile, "Perfect I know what to do. Can you stay here while I go get some baby food??" Grant looked at baby Juicy and stood up smiling at Eddie, "I think I can handle it baby" He smiled and kissed my lips softly. 

I nod smiling, "Okay I won't be long." I run down the stairs and grab my keys and get into the car and drive. 

**I will do another part of this but if you want like this let me know! I really like this story it is very wholesome ^^ Thanks for reading it **

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