Narrator x Juicy (Part 2)

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**So this is part two of the Narrator x Juicy story my sister read this and really though I should so here it is sis get ready for a surprise at the end. Also just let me inform you if you don't know Narrators name is Grant and Juicy's name is Gaege so that is who I'm talking about**

Juicy's(Gauge's) POV

I was taken aback by Grants question, "W-What did you ask?" He sighed and turned me toward him, "Would you like to go out tonight for dinner, so we can get to know eachother better?" He asked again. I thought a moment not really sure on what to say. I really like Grant but I was scared I was going to mess everything up. Grant sighed, "It's fine..I understand if you don't want to..let's just get back to class.." He mumbled. I quickly stop him, "Wait no! I will!" I cleared my throat before it cracked, "Yes I want to go with you tonight..thanks"

 I smile lightly which made him smile. He nods and we walked back to class together. We came into the gym to see the Coach in the office with Josh, and Mullen in the corner glaring at Eddie then to me. Grant went back to the people he was chatting with earlier. 

I walk up to Eddie, he had a bruised up cheek, "Jesus what happened to you now?" Eddie just laughed, "Well after you left with your Romeo me and Josh got into a brawl, let's just say the principal is now dealing with that hijo de puta.." He grinned but I could see he was still ticked off. "So how did the nurse go? Did you actually sprain your hand?" I nodded and sighed, "Yep stupid Mullen actually injured me.." I sighed again, but smiled "But I did get something decent..Grant has asked me to dinner." Eddie grinned "I knew you two would be a perfect match together." I shrug "Maybe, he kinda just wants to get to know me really." 

The bell rings and I grab my things, "Do you want to come with?" Eddie shakes his head, "Nah fool I got detention." He laughed, "You don't think I got off scott free did you?" I smiled and shrugged, "I mean you could have." He shakes his head again and walked off to the detention room. I go outside and wait for Grant to walk out but he never does. 

I start getting worried that he may have set me up but soon a car pulls up beside me, the window rolls down and Grant smiles at me, "Come on get it." I smile and get into the passenger seat.


I smile as Gauge gets into the car and buckles up. His hair falls slightly in front of his face. He is so cute. I drive to the burger place and I glance over at him, he seemed a little tense or nervous. I smile, "So how did you end up coming here exactly?" 

He looked up not really knowing what to say seeing how I just started up random conversation but he sat up a little bit, "I actually have been here my whole life with my mom. Me and Eddie have been friends since we were young but we went to seperate schools. When I was starting high school my mom said I should go to school with Eddie and I just said yea why not." He finished speaking and I smiled, "Your friend seems really protective of you." I say as we pull up to the place. He nods, "He really is.." We get out of the car and we go inside. 

The place wasn't crowded so we order our food and sit down. "If you don't mind me asking why is that Mullen kid always bullying you?" I ask softly. I didn't want him to tell me if he didn't want to but I didn't like that he was picked on. He stirred a little in the seat, as if he were debating whether he should talk about it.

 "Well the first day of school me and Eddie were in class and I sat down in the back with Eddie. Eddie was telling me all I needed to know about the school and someone slams their hand onto my desk. I got nervous not knowing who it was and I looked up and there was Mullen, standing over me. He asked why I was in his seat and I just didn't reply. Eddie had gotten mad at him for messing with me but I still didn't speak. Mullen grabbed me by the shirt and threw me on the ground telling me that I had no place here." He finished and I waited to make sure he was finished, " you know why Mullen is such a prick all the time.." He sighed and I kinda get frustrated. "I'll be back, I'm going to go get the food."

 I stood and started walking to the counter. I wasn't frustrated at Gauge I was frustrated at Mullen. Not even that I was angered at the fact Mullen had treated him like that. I sigh angrily and grab our food and walk back to the table...

**Ooooh my sister is going to kill me for another one of the cliffhangers. I am hoping for maybe 50 readers or even votes. SOO I am going to keep going until I get there ^^**

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