Eddie x Juicy

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**So this is going to be another part type story. I don't know when part 2 will come out but if it is requested faster then I think then I'll do it as fast as I can. But If it's not I'll work on it at my own pace. Thanks for over 300 reads guys! I appreciate that!**

Eddie's POV

I was in the coffee shop I usually went to with Gabriella but me and her were no longer together. I sighed, drinking my coffee and looking through my phone. I glance over to a few girls that for the past 15 minutes have been staring at me and giggling.

 One of them finally stood up and walked over to me, sitting down in front of me. I don't acknowledge her and she smiles, "Hi there. Where is your friend?" She asked sweet and innocent like. I sighed, "We aren't together..could you please leave me be.." I ask politely.

 She ignored me, "Oh no that's so sad..well you know I don't have anyone..you know if your interested." She smiled leaning up on her arms. I sigh again, "No I don't want to get with you sorry.." I reply my patience growing thin. "OH come on I'm better than her" She grinned. I stand up frustrated, "Look pendeja I'm not interested so go away" I say sternly and walk out of the cafe. I roll my eyes in disgust from the girl.

 Was she serious?? 

I sit down on a bench and decided to talk to Gauge.

Eddie: Hey dawg

Gauge: Hey Eddie

Eddie: I'm assuming you heard about me and Gabriella? 

Gauge: Yea dude I'm sorry about that.

Eddie: Yep everyone knows in my relatives.

Gauge: Even your uncle in the cartel??

I smile and laugh a little. Gauge always had someway to cheer me up a little with small jokes. I enjoyed that from him. 

Eddie: Do you think I could come over? Just to hang out?

Gauge: Sure dude 

Eddie: Thanks dawg, be there in 10

I wasn't far from Gauge's place so I started to walk there. I put my hood on over my head and get there in about 5 minutes. I knock on the door, waiting on an answer.

Juicy's POV

I hear a knock at my door and get up from the couch. I yawn and open the door seeing Eddie smiling at me. "Hey Eddie"  I let him inside and he smiled, "Hey dawg, how you been?" He asked. I smile and shrug, "Fine" He set his phone on the counter and sighed, "Sorry for dropping by so suddenly I just had to get alone with a friend."

 I nodded, "It's fine dude really, stay as long as you need" I smile, making him smile, but then frowning, "All these dumb girls are coming up to me trying to get with me or flirt with me because they know me and Gabriella aren't together anymore. It's annoying as hell" He sighed and sat down on the couch. I sit beside him, "Well we could just relax and watch tv if you want to.." Eddie smiled and nods, "Yea let's do that.." I turned on the tv and a girl popped up talking to a guy,

"I just can't do it..so many men now wanting me only because my boyfriend left me! I don't know what to do!" The girl sobbed quietly and the man comforted her, "It's okay I'm here for you" She looked up a little smiling softly, "Thank you.." Her expression went blank for a second as she gasps, "Oh I have an idea! What if you help me, by pretending to be my boyfriend! You could help get those jerks off my back" 

I look at Eddie apologetically "I'm sorry dude let me turn something else on" I grabbed for the remote but he grabbed my arm "No wait a second.." He stared at the tv and started thinking. "What if I do this?" He asked under his breath.

 I looked at him confused, "huh..?" He looked at me , "What if you date me? It could be fake of course but not only would people think I'm gay they would leave me alone!" He smiled. I looked at him worriedly, "I don't know Eddie, I haven't dated one my entire life..I don't know what to do.." Eddie thought, "Which is even better, you get to finally 'date' someone and get the experience" He smiled.

 I thought for a little bit, "I'm not sure.." Eddie sighed, "It's fine we don't have to do it.." The thought of seeing Eddie sad made me frown. I sighed, "Okay okay I'll do it..I'll be your fake boyfriend.." He looked at me smiling, "Really dawg??" I nod and he hugged me, "Thank you so much!" I smile and hug him back.

**If you want a part two let me know! I'm going to do it but unless it's requested I'm doing it at my own pace**

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