prologue, happy times

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The morning was peaceful. Silence started breaking as the sun slowly crept out from underneath the luscious land. The cows let out soft moos, grazing over the lively green grass. The air was still in a calming way. The atmosphere, at peace. The village lying next to the castle was covered in rays of sunlight. The temperature was warm today unlike usual in the cold empire. The town was made of oak wood and stone bricks covered in banners and decorations. The town slowly awoke with the sun as people started setting up their shops and market stands. Overseeing the homely town was a magnificent stone brick castle with elegant balconies and archways with a happy royal family living inside. The Antarctic Empire was thriving and so were its people.

"Bitch," Tommy muttered under his breath. Tommy fell into the perfectly trimmed grass while trying to get his sword back. He pushed his messy blonde hair out of his face to see what happened.

Wilbur laughed "I win again, jeez you make this too easy, Tommy." Wilbur dropped his sword as he walked over to Tommy offering his hand to help me back to my feet. He begrudgingly accepts.

"Shut your fucking mouth bitch boy."

Wilbur let out another playful laugh as he collected the swords from the ground. Wilbur is five years older than Tommy. He has fluffy brown hair covered by a maroon beanie and sparkling brown eyes. Wilbur has a surprisingly good fashion sense. Today he wore high waisted black leather pants with knee-high black leather boots and a white dress shirt. Sometimes when Wilbur wasn't busy he would try to fix Tommy's horrendous fashion sense (which was always a pain for Tommy). Tommy was always more of a comfy casual kind of guy rather than Wilburs itchy uncomfortable "fashionable" style. Wilbur tucked the practice swords in the small chest in the tool shed.

"Good job Wil, if only you could beat me sometime," Techno smiled. He's Tommy's other older brother and Wilburs twin. Techno looked nothing like Wilbur with his long braided pink hair, cold red eyes, and long pointy ears. He wore a long baggy red cloak. He sat several feet away from Tommy and Wilbur leaning against a tree.

"Yeah Wilbur can't beat you in a fight so instead he just fights me," Tommy mocks.

Wilbur gives Tommy a playful glare. "Sorry for being a good big brother and spending time with you," he said with his voice full of sarcasm. "Plus, without me, you wouldn't have anyone to practice with."

He got Tommy there. "Pussy," he mutters in defense.

Wilbur let out a giggle walking over to me. "Oh, what would I do without you, Tommy." He ruffled my fluffy blonde hair. He knows Tommy hates it when people ruffle his hair. In revenge, he attempts to bite his hand but Wilbur pulled it away just in time. "Did you try to bite me? I was trying to be a good brother you gremlin child."

Tommy's deep blue eyes shimmered in the warm sunlight as he simply gave an innocent-looking shrug. Techno walked towards his brothers softly chuckling. Wilbur and Tommy were always very close and often hung out together. Techno was very close with his brothers but due to his preparations of becoming the next king, he was always too busy to hang out with them (meaning he cherished the moments he spent with them even more). Techno was used to watching from the sidelines. It didn't matter that much since he was used to it. Before Techno could give it another thought a delicious smell flooded the air alerting the boys what time it was. Breakfast time. The three of them all paused a stared at each other with agreeing looks. The last-one-there-is-a-nerd look. After only a few seconds the three took off racing towards the dining hall giggling and smiling. They pushed their feet against the hard earth while their lungs gasped for air. Techno was running ahead while Tommy and Wilbur struggled to pass each other. After running for a few minutes across the gardens they made it to the dining hall. Techno won as always and Tommy was last.

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