chapter eighteen, family breakfast

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Tommy POV

"Wake up!"

I shove my face further into my pillow savoring the warmth of the blanket. "Go away, five more minutes," I bargain.

"You said that like five minutes ago."

"Whatever," I groan. Suddenly, I'm consumed by the cold as Wilbur tears the blanket off of me. "What the fuck." I grab a pillow chucking it at that little son of a bitch.

Wilbur catches the pillow before it makes an impact. He sighs. "You know, you are so lucky I'm not one of those stuck-up entitled princes or you'd be beheaded by now."

"Don't care, 'm tired," I complain. I didn't get much sleep at night due to some midnight chats and stressing about said midnight chats afterward. Plus, why does Wilbur want me to get up so badly? It's not like he cares.

Wilbur places the pillow back on the bed gently. "Didn't want to do this but— gave me no choice." What? Suddenly I'm falling my face landing on the cold hardwood floor.

"Oh now you're gonna get it you little—" I threaten. I scramble to my knees grabbing Wilburs tall lanky leg pulling him down to the ground. He lands with a thud making me laugh.

"I was just waking you up."

"You pushed me on the floor—"

"You also pushed me on the floor," he interrupts.

"And I'd do it again," I smirk.

Wilbur brings himself to his feet brushing off his knees. "At least you're awake now, come on let's go." He offers me his hand to help me to my feet, I grab it. If I'm going to be pitied may as well make the most of it.


"You'll see," he answers vaguely.

"Wow, that was so helpful," I respond sarcastically.

Wilbur shakes his head in the sort of way that says I-could-respond-but-I-just-don't-care-enough-to. I yawn following Wilbur down the winding halls. There are a lot fewer guards and maids walking around than usual.



"Where are all the maids and guards and shit?" I ask.

Wilbur smiles. "Oh, they're just preparing for the party coming up."

The masquerade? That's what Dream told me to gather info. Are you serious, I have to go full spy mode at only ten am? I take a deep silent breath preparing myself to go into work mode. "Oh, what party?" I question as innocently as possible. I want to play up that little kid role, no one suspects the little kid.

"Yeah, we're holding a masquerade in a— well a few days actually," Wilbur laughs uncomfortably.


Wilbur jumps rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "It's supposed to be— we're holding it to celebrate the first snowfall is all." Liar. His entire body language changed in an instant. I can tell whenever people are lying beside a few exceptions. I mean, why'd I expect Wilbur to tell me the truth? I'm just a charity project. "No, sorry, that's not it. Well, it's not a complete lie but I'm actuality the masquerade is a birthday party of sorts."

"Who's birthday is it?"

"A certain persons."


"Why should I tell you?"

"Tell me," I beg childishly, again, playing the role of a whiny child.

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