chapter seven, broken king

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Tommy's POV

"Dream, please," I begged.

The room was dark with the only light coming from the half-opened door on the other side of the room. I tried to yank myself towards the door but my hands were tied to a heavy object behind me. The force of me pulling myself forward leaves me off-balanced causing me to fall over. My cheek lands against the cold hard floor while my body stings with pain.

"You need to listen, Tommy," Dream growls. He walks over to me holding a piece of fabric.

The closer he neared the more I scrambled. I kicked and cried desperately trying to free myself. It didn't work. Dream pulled me onto my knees sitting me up straight.

"Please don't do this. Look I'm sorry, Dream," I whimper. My cries soon became muffled as he wrapped the fabric around my mouth tying it together with a large tug in the back. I sat on the floor like an abandoned puppy. Tears rolled down my face.

Dream looked me in the eyes. "I love you Tommy but this is all your fault. You just cause problems."

I flop my body against the floor, kicking and crying but it doesn't work.

Dream walks over to the door lingering on the handle. "I'll be back once you've learned your lesson."

Tears roll down my cheeks getting caught in the fabric. Dream slams the door shut as the darkness consumed me.

That's where I spent the next week.

Where am I? The afternoon glow shines through the window. Memories of yesterday's events pour back into my mind. I sit up examining the room. I spot my leather bag sitting next to the bed and snatch it. I set the bag in my lap looking through it. Everything seems normal. I grab my brown eye contacts and put them in. I roll myself out of the bed staring at the clock. I've been asleep for a few hours. Where's Techno? "Techno?" I whisper.

I need to find Techno. I wiggle the door handle open wandering through the endless hallways. "Techno," I shout echoing the hallways. My footsteps echo against the large empty hallways. I walk quickly trying to cover as much ground without looking suspicious.

"What is your business here? I was never informed of your presence."

I step away from the guard. "Uh, well—"

"Unfortunately kid, if you don't have any business in this castle I'll have to ask you to leave," the guard affirms.

"Where's Techno?" I ask.

"That information is confidential. If you would like to speak to the prince you can file for an appointment with him. For now, I need you to exit the palace."

"No, I want to see him now. Where is he?"

"If you do not cooperate we will have to remove you by force."

"Fuck off," I mumble turning away and walking in the other direction. My fingers idle near my sword.

I hear a scrape of metal. In response I ensheath my netherite sword blocking the guard's pathetic attempt. My block knocked the guard off balance sending him to the floor.

"There's an intruder. Get help," he screams.

Footsteps begin ringing in my ears. I run away sprinting through the maze of hallways. Everyone gives me weird looks but a flock of guards runs behind me. They become closer and closer and I turn around to face them. I swing my sword at them. They block my attack while I meticulously slide my foot knocking them off balance. I duck avoiding an attack from another guard. I notice an opening between to guards and take it. I slide underneath the two running off. Where's Techno?

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