chapter nineteen, friendly advice

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(tw:dark thoughts)

Tommy POV

I hate this castle. The air is suffocating. It's so painful knowing that everyone here will be gone in a few days by my doing. I haven't left my room since the whole breakfast fiasco. Ranboo tried to get in and talk to me but Technoblade stopped him saying the same bullshit about how I 'need space'. Fuck him. They're such jerks trying to get me to say something bad about Dream. I mean, yes some of it was true but we all have our moments. We all have bad days. Some people, in particular, seem to have more than others but that's fine. It's fine. It's fine? Whatever. I need to get out of here for a little bit. I push myself out of bed and onto the balcony. The morning breeze brushes against my face. Can't believe it's morning again. It's been a whole day in my room. The morning birds chirp excitedly to one another with the new morning. I should go see Tubbo. He's my best friend after all. I've been meaning to see him again. I spot a nearby tree branch next to the edge of the balcony. Perfect. I hop on top of the railing carefully stepping across it to the tree. It's funny, one wrong step and I'm dead. Maybe it's better that way. My fate is worse than death anyways. Maybe I'd be better to save me the pain. I bounce across the railing building momentum until I leap across to the tree. My heart beats a little faster as my lungs fill with air. It's such a free feeling. Sadly it comes to an end when I land on the branch bouncing slightly. Oh well, to Tubbos house I go. I scale down the tree landing in the garden. After a little searching, I find a small hole in the stone brick wall of the castle.

I climb through walking along the path to Tubbos house. Finally, after what feels like forever (but was only ten minutes) I arrive in front of Tubbos humble abode. His house just screams Tubbo with yellow daisies sprinkled outside with bees buzzing about in their merry ways. The sun reflected on the orange shingle roof with a stone chimney puffing thick fluffy grey smoke. I walk up to the porch knocking on the door.

Knock knock.

Tubbo swings the door open with his hair messily falling over his forehead. His eyes widen, a bright smile growing on his face. "Tommy!"

"Tubbo!" I reciprocate pulling him into a hug. All the horrible things going on melt away leaving nothing the relaxing embrace of my best friend.

Tubbo pulls away. "How are you? Why'd you come over?"

"I just needed some fresh air," I answer.

Tubbo lights up. "That's perfect. I was just about to go take a walk in the flower field behind my house. Wanna come with?"

"Alright, I guess I'll come with," I begrudgingly accept.

"Perfect," Tubbo smiles. He grabs my hand pulling me behind him as he sprints to the field of icy blue flowers.

"Wait, you forgot to close the door."

"Doesn't matter, my dad will close it for me when he gets home," Tubbo shrugs mid-sprint.

"Won't he yell at you for it?"

"Yeah, but it's worth it. I want to see the flowers now."

What? Is he insane?

"Here," Tubbo declares. He stops running still holding onto my hand but more loosely. He takes a deep breath inhaling the humid air. "Feel that cool breeze. Relaxes me every time."

The breeze washes over the field of icy blue flowers. "I've never seen these flowers before."

"That's 'cause you'll only find them in the Antarctic Empire. They're called ice lilies," Tubbo explains.


We sit in a breathless silence soaking in the beauty of the wind washing over the ice lilies. I'll miss moments like these. Moments where time slips away from me. There's no bloodshed, no anger. Just me and Tubbo sitting in a flower field. I glance over at his muddy brown eyes laced with innocence. It's easy to tell whether someone's faced death watching the soul drain from someone's lifeless body. I envy that of Tubbo. Maybe if Dream never existed I could be like him. Innocent. Happy. I shouldn't speak of Dream like that. It's not him— well.

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