Good Luck Charm

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Yeosang x ateez x train to busan.

Yeosang was heading towards the train station, he wanted to visit busan with his online boyfriend jongho. They had agreed to meet on the train as he lives a few minutes away.

"last call for busan! Last call for busan!" the comment or voice spoke, Yeosang gasped and rushed down the stairs and managed to reach the train. He gasped to catch his breath and double checked everything, sighing in relief when he saw everything, he just had a small bag with essentials for his trip, passport, keys, snacks, drink, phone and his portable charger that has solar panels.

He walked to his seat in the second to last train cart taking it and stretching his neck. He closed his eyes and leaned against the window taking a quick nap.

He awoke to a shake to the shoulder and  scenary rushing past. He looked up to the person who shook him and grinned.
"jongho!" he squealed and engulfed the younger in a hug.
"hey yeosang" jongho said and sat next to the older male. They chatted about their lives before a shrill scream gut then off. Their heads snapped towards the sound and saw a crowd rushing into their compartment. They looked so confused until they saw the running corpses. Yeosangs heart stopped and he squeezed jonghos hand.

"jongho.." yeosang said and the younger comforted them. "let's move to the next cart before we are caught in it I don't trust anyone." jongho whispered and Yeosang nodded the two silently grabbed their things and started quickly walking up the Isle into the final cart. There was no seats but they just leaned on the shelves. Yeosangs heart was beating so fast.

" what's going on? "yeosang said and jongho sighed turning on his phone and looking at the news before gasping.
" here "he said and shared his screen.

" there has been many gatherings of people acting eccessively violent please remain a good distance as it seems they are sensitive to the littlest of things. Stay calm and stay safe" the news wrote jongho cursed.
"shit what the hell?" he grunted frustrated.
"will we be OK?, I don't want to die we've only just met" yeosang said silent tears falling down his face.
"neither do I, let's just stick to ourselves. We should hide ourselves but have a good way to exit. So let's stick to the exits." jongho explained and Yeosang nodded, they walked to the exits and stayed silent.

Yeosang bit his lip and slid down the wall and covered his head with his arms and knees. Jongho sighed softly and engulfed yeosang into a hug they stuck close to each other until they felt the train stop.

"we couldn't be at busan yet?" yeosang whispered and they stood up ready at any second to escape. They looked out the window and saw an empty station.

"should we go out??" jongho asked and Yeosang shook his head.
"no we are safest here we just need to be ready to open the door and run, maybe we'll need to change trains." yeosang explained and jongho nodded.

They stayed put and away from the windows. Despite the frustration from the situation they knew they couldn't do anything about it. Yeosang tapped his fingers on his knees and peered out the window to the station gasping as he saw people running back to the train jongho geared his gasps and approached the window as well.

"it was a good idea to stay here. Let's stay low" jongho muttered and Yeosang nodded. They ignored all the screams and groans from both types of people and stayed together.

The Train started moving again quickly and soon enough the scenery was passing by once again. They just sighed and played on their phones to let the time pass by. Soon enough the train was shrouded in darkness as they passed through a tunnel. The scenery returned after three minutes. Some more time passed and a final tunnel ran overhead.

"this is so crazy" yeosang muttered and jongho nodded.
"I can't believe this is happening to us, call me cruel but I wished it wasn't in our generation" jongho said and Yeosang pathetically chuckled.
"I think the same"

Time passed by and they were startled by yelling from the previous compartment, they stayed where they were but overheard the people.

"theyre infected!" a Depp selfish voice said and Yeosangs body tensed up once again. He realised how fragile their position was and the fear was drilling into his stomach.

He looked towards jongho who was sweating and gulped. Yeosang slowly walked back until he reached the door keeping his hand on the latch to open the door.

"let's get ready" jongho whispered as he walked close to yeosang who nodded.
The glass door opened and six people entered a child, a women, two teenagers and two men one looking more shabbier than the other but they all had blood even if it was just a speckle.

The large group looked towards the two and smiled. They just awkwardly nodded.
"were you also pushed here?" the tall short haired man said.

"no we came before that we have been here since the first twenty minutes of the train leaving." jongho explained clenching his hand the group nodded and talked among themselves.

The Train carried on for a while and jongho comforted yeosang with soft kisses. The gazes from the group went unnoticed by the two.

" you sure your ok"jongho asked and Yeosang managed to smile slightly.
" ill be fine let's just find a way out of this. "yeosang answered and jongho nodded engulfing him on a hug and giving him a kiss on the lips.

They stayed in each others arms until the train stopped again.
" let's get off here" jongho said and Yeosang nodded they opened the door and quickly followed the conductor to the transfer. They got onto the train and looked back over just to see a train slam into it. Yeosang gasped and covered his mouth and ignored the conductor rush off the train for that rude guy from earlier.

The train capsized and Yeosang slid down the electronics compartments and stayed close to himself. Jongho fought off any zombies that touch the train with the heels of his boots.

Yeosang sobbed as he realised everyone who had the chance to survive on that train is now dead and turned into zombies. His resolve shattered and he clenched his arms around his legs ignoring everything.

It wasn't until shouts woke him from his stupor. He sobbed in happiness as he saw three people they had met a few minutes prior and helped them onto the train. The little girl huddled up with the pregnant women and Yeosang stayed at least a foot away.

A few seconds passed and out came the selfish man only he was slowly turning.
Yeosang pressed himself to the walls as the tall man and the slowly turning zombie were talking, jongho stayed close to the older and jumped in to kick the guy and knock him to his knees however the tall man wasn't so safe and ended up really close to the edge.

Jongho and yeosang watched as the zombie and the tall man wrestled. Yeosang closed his eyes as he saw both of the fall off the train. Yeosang looked up when jongho stroked his head and gave him a smile.

It seems the tall man had been bitten and was hugging his daughter.
"thank you mister" yeosang whispered as the man went round the back of the train. The man smiled and nodded.

"take care of her" he said then disappeared the little girl was screaming but the women just held her in her arms.

The train continued until it came to a stop outside a tunnel and zombies littered all over the floor.
Yeosang gulped and got down after jongho, he stayed close to jongho and walked with the kid and women.

They were about a quarter of the way through when the little girl started singing. Her words made yeosang cry because he knew that this was about her father.

As they reached halfway a group of soldiers approached them there was six on the front each with colourful hair and the rest of the men were plain.

"let's get you guys safe, mingi please take the bags, yunho comfort the little girl, seonghwa can you take care of the lady, Wooyoung, San can you two head forward and tell the chief we have some new arrivals. I'll take these two." a short man said and the ones mentioned all did as told. The men in colourful hairs all approached them and took then to the base.

This was a hectic and slow day but yeosang was greatful he could focus on his bond with jongho and not have to worry about anything for some time.
He's so greatful for having such people around him.

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