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Yeosang is stuck in a circle of violin practice, expectations, and more practice. As the son of a rich family he is expected to be pristinely behaved and polite however, he doesn't want that but he had to stay true to what his parents want.

"you need to do better!" this singular phrase raised Yeosang throughout his childhood. He was numb to it.
"you need to be the best to make me look good" another phrase that raised yeosang.

These words where from his father, a very rich man who let power get to his head and became corrupt, always competing for the best spot even if it kills his family or himself. He had people to help hold his reputation if he slips up.

But the one thing he didn't have was love in his heart. Yeosang was used to the same four walls and small bed he regularly stated at in boredom, he wasn't allowed to do anything but practice and take care of himself, the dark umber of his violin, a one in a kind, singing to his life. It became a part of him, now don't get him wrong he loved the instrument and staying on top of his gain he just... gets bored, having nothing to do but practice having all his friends leave him because he never hung out with them, he was invisible in school and although he may be anti social and shy he hated feeling like he didn't exist. It always brought him memories of having nothing but a baby raise him and those phrases being the only communication he received on his parents end.

It was a neglectful life but Yeosang was used to it, he had no need for his parents love as long as he had his nanny, an elderly women still working and taking care of Yeosang.

At this moment she walks in.
"yeosang honey, you have been enrolled in a new school" she said sadly and Yeosang scoffed.

"again?" he asked and only received a nod. This was the third time this week, his father refused to allow him to stay at a school that refused to allow yeosang to spend all day practicing rather than learning. Nothing was important to his father other than his ability to play an instrument.

"im sorry love" nanny said sadly and Yeosang smiled in return. "it's fine, I have no choice in the matter anyway, what school am I to attend to today?" Yeosang asked and nanny sighed.

"unfortunately, it seems your father has given up on public schools therefore you have been enrolled in KQ all boys academy, its a performing arts school, there's singing, dancing, martial arts, and more. There's even an orchestra for you to join without your father knowing. Other than that, the only other thing it offers is academics of all kinds" nanny examined and Yeosang nodded.

"thank you, when should I leave?" Yeosang asked staring out his window.
"you must be dressed and in the car in twenty minutes." nanny said before placing the uniform in her hands onto the bed and leaving the room.

Yeosang sighed and started changing, he added a bit of makeup to cover up his imperfections and then polished his violin and violin case before placing the instrument into the soft velvet and zipping it up.

He gently grabbed it and made his way out of his room.
(ignore faces and the actual name of the school I just really like the unform.)


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