72 Bossy Khushi

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Part 72 Bossy Khushi

Arnav was lying on the floor, hugging Khushi protectively. He waited for a while in the same position to get confirmed that the attack was over. He was tried to get up to take his mobile but Khushi gripped him hard.

"Arnavji, please don't go..." Khushi pleaded.

"I'm not going anywhere, Khushi. I have to take my mobile. Then only I could make a call to the commissioner."

"What if they shoot again Arnavji...?"

"My mobile is in bed only. Let me take it."

Khushi looked here and there and found a switchboard.

"Wait..." She went to the switched board crawling and switched the light off.

Arnav jumped on the bed and took the mobile. Without wasting time, he called the commissioner.

"Hello ASR..."

"I'm in my farmhouse with my wife. Somebody is attacking me."

"Attacking means?"

"I was supposed to be shot."

"I will send the force as quickly as possible. They will deal with the issue."

They disconnected the call. The commissioner called the nearby police station and ordered to send a force to guard Arnav's farmhouse.

At the same time, the security guards of Arnav's farmhouse ran, guessing the side from where the gun could be shot. They saw the shooter getting inside the car with a gun and went from there.

They came to the farmhouse to tell Arnav about the shooter. One of the securities called Arnav instead of knocking on the door because Arnav may think it was someone who just attacked them.

Arnav received the call.

"Sir, the shooter escaped in a car."

"Did you notice the number of the car?"

"No, sir. We saw the car from sideway."

"Ok... police will be here anytime. Call me again when they come."

"Ok, Sir."

Arnav sat on the bed. In no time, Khushi rushed to him and hugged him, sitting on his lap. No doubt, she was scared. Why not? After all, they escaped from death. Arnav sensed the shiver in her body.

"Khushi, I'm sorry. I should not have brought you here."

"I don't mind about myself. I was scared when you stood near the window. Thank God, nothing happened to you. Devi Maiya saved you for me. I don't know how I would have bearded the pain if you had got hurt."

Arnav smiled softly, caressing her back.

"How would you feel the pain if I would have gotten hurt?" he asked with the same smile.

Khushi broke the hug and looked at him painfully.

"Then what? You are my husband... don't forget that."

"I didn't forget that but not every wife feels her husband's pain." He said tucking her hair strand.

"Who would have tried to kill us, Arnavji?"

"I too don't know. Let's the commissioner handle it."

"You should be careful, Arnavji. Don't go anywhere alone. Ask the commissioner for the protection."

"Mmmm..." Arnav didn't deny her. He was delighted as Khushi showed her heart to him for the first time.

More to his surprise, Khushi cupped his face and drenched it with numerous kisses. Closing his eyes, Arnav experienced a fantastic moment. Khushi again hugged him and Arnav responded to the hug.

BOSSY BOSS ( Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora