65 Drunken Arnav

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Part 65 Drunken Arnav

Khushi was thunder stuck, seeing his extended hands. Before getting close to him, she wanted to pour her heart into him. He will listen to her if she says anything. In this condition, Arnav will accept whatever she says about her past because he is emotionally affected now. It won't be the right choice to talk to him right away. She wants him to accept her with a clear mind. We knew LIGHT travels faster than anything ... But it's wrong. A HUMAN MIND travels faster than LIGHT. It crosses the galaxies in a swift. Likewise, in a swift of the moment, Khushi thought all of these.

But Arnav was not in the mood to give her more time to think about anything. Taking her hand, he pulled her towards him gently and hugged her with all his WAITING desire. After that move of Arnav, there was no idea in Khushi's mind to get away from him. She circled his waist making his lips curve into a cute smile. Arnav buried his face in the crook of her neck and she felt a shiver running up in her spine. She prayed inwardly not to lose her control. Though she prayed she didn't try to come out of his arms. She stood feeling the warmth of his touch. If Khushi's condition is like this, we don't have to say anything about Arnav's condition. He was lost in her. He stayed for a while without any movement forgetting everything... even his existence.

Slowly breaking the hug, Arnav; who has been emotionally dominated, cupped her face and leaned towards her lips. Khushi opened her eyes and jerked, seeing him so close to her face. understanding his intention, she pushed him away and rushed out, leaving disappointed Arnav.

Khushi went to the kitchen to make herself up. That's when she felt a touch on her shoulder. She saw Anjali standing behind her. She smiled at Anjali.

"I'm sorry for what just happened, Khushiji..." Anjali said with repentance.

"What was your mistake in that, Anjaliji?" Khushi asked touching her hand.

"It should not have happened, Khushiji... I was dying in fear, you know..." Fear was visible in her face and tone.

"Why Anjaliji? Don't you know about your brother?" Khushi asked smilingly.

"It doesn't matter whether I know about him or not but the situation matters. In that situation, no one believes the certainty but what they only see."

Khushi nodded yes.

"I'm glad that you saved him, Khushiji. I'm so glad about your trust for Chotte." Anjali said gladly.

"He deserves it Anjaliji..."

That stance made Anjali delighted.

"This is what Chotte liked you I suppose. Thank you for coming into Chotte's life and accepting him as your husband." She smiled.

"You don't have to thank me Anjaliji... I'm his wife..."

Anjali hugged her pleasantly.

"Don't wait for Chotte and you have dinner," Anjali said breaking the hug.

"But why Anjaliji?" Khushi asked couldn't understand the reason.

"Because Chotte will be late..."

"Late? Does he go somewhere?" Khushi questioned her.

"He just went out Khushiji.... Don't you know?" Anjali questioned her back.

Khushi was dumbfounded. Did he leave home?

"He prefers long drive whenever he is upset. I expected that he will go for a long drive tonight because I know he is upset because of Laya."

Khushi was gazing at Anjali with a horrified expression. She was not sure that Arnav had gone for a long drive because of Laya. She might be the reason for the long drive as she made him upset a few minutes ago. She felt bad. She smiled at Anjali and went to her room.

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