58 Genuine Apology?

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Part 58 Genuine Apology?

The air around Arnav got stopped. Why not, if his wife looked like an angel? She looked damn pretty in her Moo dhikai outfit. Aman flicked his fingers, near his ear. Arnav rolled his eyes high and looked at him raising his left eyebrow.

"Is not Mr. ASR looking gorgeous?" Aman questioned brilliantly.

If Aman would not have mentioned her "Mrs. ASR", Arnav had not liked Aman's prizing words for Khushi. The title which Aman highlighted enlightened Arnav. He smiled.

Khushi and Lavanya had been sitting on the couch. The guests started seeing them one by one. The Moo Dhikai function got completed without any fuss. The lunch had been arranged for the guest in the RM. After having lunch, the guest started dispersing one after one, except Aman. He was chitchatting with all the Raizadas as he hardly gets time to talk to them.

RM became normal again. Khushi went to their room to change the dress where Arnav was working on his laptop. His fingers automatically stopped typing, seeing her in front of him. He leaned on the recliner smiling at her. When she supposed to cross him, Arnav stood from the recliner and Khushi jerked.

"Have you finished making a file of our next project Khushi?" He asked, reading her face.

Before Khushi said something, Arnav kept his index finger on her lips, making Khushi bewildered.

"You don't have to give me a lecture about PERSONAL and PROFESIONAL differences." He said huskily.

We don't need to say that Khushi's eyes broadened by this unexpected act. In fact, Khushi was not intended to talk about the differences. She really was going to tell him about the project. Arnav lowered his finger from her mouth, seeing her expression. Khushi was still looking at him even after he removed his finger. Arnav snapped his finger and Khushi came out of the spell.

"Don't look at me like that Khushi.... I will think you are admiring me..." He said with his branded lopsided smile.

Khushi lowered her gaze down, embarrassingly.

"I asked you something..." Arnav again asked her.

"I have completed it. I will submit it the day after tomorrow."

"That's good..."

She tried to take a step but stopped as Arnav asked her something again.

"Still, do you think that we can't mix up our professional and personal matters?" He asked making a serious face.

She nodded NO.

"Good... this is what I want..." He smiled.

She again tried to go to take her dress, Arnav again called her. Khushi stood, folding her hands.

"What?" she asked raising her eyebrows, understanding his intention of not letting her get changed. Arnav wondered seeing her standing gutful. He composed himself taking a few minutes as he is ASR, after all.

"You look beautiful in this attire..." he said running his eyes on her.

Folded hands of Khushi are automatically lowered, hearing that.

"I hope you like marriage saree." Arnav intentionally dragged the saree to see her expression. But as Arnav didn't expect, she answered him not hiding her thought.

"I liked it very much... Thank you for the lightweight saree." She thanked him, making him amazed.

"Won't you thank me for the lipstick?" He asked teasingly, looking at her lips.

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