74 Why?

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Part 73 Why?

Arnav had no idea who killed the shooter. At the same time, he didn't believe that the dead man could be the shooter. It may be a plot to divert the police. As of now, nothing can say.

"But how did he die?" Arnav asked the inspector.

"Maybe, one of his enemies killed him..."


"Yeah, his body has been wounded by a knife many times. We are suspecting that he must have fought with someone. After all, he is a criminal..."

"Do you have any idea, who can it be?"

"I inquired his neighbours but none of them knows anything... Can you come to the mortuary? It will be useful for us if you identify him"

"Sure... I will be there in an hour."

Arnav disconnected the call.

"Where are you going, Arnavji? You have promised me not to leave RM..." Khushi asked him pouting.

"The shooter has died...."

Cutting him,

"Really?" She asked widening her eyes.

"Yeah... someone has killed him it seems."

"Killed? Who, Arnavji?" she was shocked.

Arnav nodded his head left and right, pressing his lips.

"No idea... the inspector called me to the hospital to identify the shooter."

"But how do they know he is the shooter?"

"His gun and the bullets shot on our farmhouse are matching..."


"I have to go to the Government hospital. I will be back soon..."

"Arnavji... the shooter died but we don't know who is behind this... who guided him... and we can't say only one man is the shooter. What if it is a drama to divert the police and get you out?" She asked him nervously.

"Yeah... we can assume many possibilities and police are investigating it. They will find everything. Don't worry." Arnav said touching her shoulder.

"I will also come with you. Please take me too." she pleaded.

"Khushi, I'm going to Mortuary. I don't want you to come to that place. Try to understand it's not a place to visit a soft-hearted person like you."

"Be careful Arnavji..." She said sadly.

"I will be careful...ok..."

She nodded ok. Arnav got changed quickly and started towards the Government Hospital. Though his eyes were on the road his mind was thinking about all the recent happenings of his life. Who wants him to die? Who has that much venom for him? Only he is the target or...Khushi? And, what about Khushi's father? Where did he go? What if he is the one who got killed? This is why he didn't want Khushi to accompany him. Even though she hates her father she will break down if she sees him in this condition. Arnav gulped hard.

He reached the hospital and saw the inspector standing near the mortuary. Parking the car, he came to him.

"Please come with me sir," The inspector said.

Arnav nodded yes and followed the inspector. There is a dead body being wrapped with a white cloth. Arnav slowly reached the dead body and sighed in relief as it was not Vikram. Arnav didn't see the man ever.

"Could you recognize him?" The inspector asked Arnav.

"No sir... I never had seen him before."

"Look at this, Sir." The inspector handed a folded paper to Arnav.

BOSSY BOSS ( Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang