61 I know

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Part 61 I know...



"Come inside, Arnav..." Shashi greeted Arnav who was standing at their doorstep. He was here to pick his wife up.

Khushi rushed out of the kitchen, hearing that, who was chitchatting with Garima. Arnav got inside and sat on the sofa.

"Khushi, ask Garima to get him coffee," Shashi said.

Khushi nodded ok and went to the kitchen again. Before Khushi told her anything, Garima kept the milk vessel to boil the milk as she also heard Shashi.

"Amma, he consumes very little sugar," Khushi said.


Garima added only half a spoon of sugar to the coffee and gave it to Khushi. Khushi brought it to the hall and handed the cup to Arnav.

"Are you on leave, Arnav?" Shashi asked.

"No... I came from AR only... an important deal had signed today." Arnav said.

Khushi looked at him widening her eyes awfully and Arnav noticed it.

Garima handed sweets to Khushi to give to Raizadas. Arnav and Khushi took leave from Guptas. They got inside the car.

"Did you sign Mr Stephan's deal?" Khushi asked Arnav.

"Yeah..." Arnav said concentrating on the road.

"Why didn't you tell me that Stephan is coming to AR today?"

"You will also come to the office if I would have said."

"This is why you asked about the file the last night?" Khushi guessed it.

"Yup... I took the file from your cubicle."

"That's fine... you are the BOSS, after all." She said looking outside.

"Your parents might have felt bad if you had cancelled the pagperah ritual. That's why I didn't tell you..."

"But It's me who is dealing the deal..."

"You are the one who is going to work on it." He said while changing the gear.

Khushi sighed.

"There is a conference in AR tomorrow."


"All our clients will be get participated in it."


They reached AR. When they enter, they saw Laya doing walking practice. She smiled at Arnav and he responded to her by nodding yes while walking with Khushi. Khushi didn't mind even though Laya smiled ONLY at Arnav.

Arnav gave time to Khushi to get fresh. When she came from the washroom,

"Khushi, wait."

"Yeah, tell me..."

Arnav took the file from the laptop bag and forwarded it to Khushi.

"Stephan's file...Go through it..."

Taking the file, she nodded yes. Arnav thought she would look at it. But she kept it in her bag.

"are not you going to check the file?" Arnav asked.

"I will check it in the office tomorrow."

"Do you have any work now?"


"Then what's the problem in looking to it?"

"It's because I'm not mixing my professional and personal matters." She said in a BASE voice like HIM and left the room.

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