12 Trap for Khushi

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Part 12 

When Khushi came from Arnav's cabin, she saw Aman and NK waiting for her.

"You guys are still here?"

"How could we go, leaving you?" NK questioned her.

"Have you finished learning about the shows?"

"Yeah... Mr. Raizada wants me to learn everything in one day it seems" she said sighing.

"Because he knows your capability" Aman smiled.

"Why are you trying to mend things between us Aman? You know very well what he is up to. He hates low-class people like me"

"No Khushi, ASR won't get engaged with anyone if he hates them"

"ohh... that's why he is making me work for the whole day without break?"

"you are an optimistic girl. I wonder why you get upset with ASR easily"

"Our attitude changes depend upon the person" she snapped.

"I hope he didn't get angry with you?" NK asked her.

"No. But he got angry with a builder. His face changed dangerously"

"Yeah, the builder talked to me too. It's me who wanted him to say the real issue to ASR. Because only ASR can take the decision in this matter"

"But he said he will send someone to sort the issue?"

"It's because tomorrow is his parent's death anniversary. He won't be available for anyone. Not even for Di" NK said sadly.

"Means? Where does he go?"

"No one knows. His phone will also be switched off"

Khushi looked at him awfully. Is he that vulnerable?

"Who will sort the issue instead of him?" she asked Aman.

"Only ASR decides that"

"You said he won't come to the office tomorrow?"

"He will drop the message"

Khushi nodded yes.

"Let's go. I will drop you"

"No need. I will go by auto"

She avoided taking NK's help.

They left RM. Neha came from behind the door, listening to their talks. So, Khushi is upset with ASR. ASR should have done something which makes Khushi upset. She smiled. Aman was right. ASR won't get engaged with anyone if he hates her. That means, does he want Khushi to be with him? What changed him suddenly? She fumed. What he had seen in Khushi that he wants her to be with him?

She thought cooling down herself. So, the building issue will be sorted out by someone tomorrow. She planned something very quickly.


Arnav was hell upset. His plan of gifting the house to his Di failed. He kept doing work in the office. He didn't feel to go home. His mood is already off. Adding to it, Payal's sister will also be there in RM. Arnav intentionally came late to RM to avoid Laya. But as he didn't expect, Laya waited for him as she was not ready to miss the chance to meet him. HP opened the door.

"Bring the dinner to my room," Arnav said while walking.

"Jee, Arnav baba" Hp ran to the kitchen.

Getting fresh, Arnav sat on the recliner. He stood, seeing Laya entering with a plate.

"Hi" She grinned ear to ear.

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