76 The Killer

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Part 76 The killer

Arnav's facial expression changed into a shocking one.

"What happened, ASR? I expected relief on your face... Your enemy is dead, Man..." Aman said excitedly.

"He is killed..." Arnav corrected his sentence.

"Yeah... A man like Tiwari would get such an ending. What wonder in that..." Aman said.

Arnav nodded yes.

"I have to tell that to Khushi. She will be happy." Aman said curiously.

"Don't tell her anything about the killer especially his name," Arnav said.

"But why ASR?" Aman asked frowning.

"I will tell you the reason later..." Arnav uttered thoughtfully.

"Is there anything emotional?" Aman caught the point.


"Can I do anything about it?" Aman sensed something must be there.

Arnav nodded NO.

"Ok then, you tell her about Tiwari's murder."

Arnav nodded ok. Aman left his cabin not nagging him more.

Arun Tiwari is killed in jail and the person named Vikram killed him. It was not hard for Arnav to connect the dots. He wondered about Vikram's planning method and the way he made it possible. This is why he voluntarily went to jail, getting involved in a pickpocket case. He wanted to confirm whether the killer is Vikram. He called the commissioner.

"Hello, ASR, I'm expecting your call since morning. I know you will call me to know about Arun Tiwaris's murder. Am I right?" The commissioner asked him thinking himself proud.

"Have you got to know anything about the man who killed Tiwari?" Arnav questioned him not answering his question.

"No, ASR... he has not opened his mouth... no matter how much he is getting beaten up. He didn't even utter a single word..." The commissioner said with disappointment.

"In what case he got arrested?" Arnav asked him to check whether he is his father-in-law or not.

"He just got arrest in a simple pickpocket case yesterday evening. As the next three days are Saturday, Sunday and Monday is also a government holiday, the court will not be working. So he was sent to the Sub-jail. As per his previous records, he just got released from jail after spending ten years a week ago. It seems he killed his wife...."

Cutting him,

"No, Sir. He didn't kill his wife. It was an accident." Arnav said calmly.

The commissioner was surprised by his answer.

"How do you know about him?" He asked and his voice sounded shocking.

"He is none other than my father-in-law." Arnav didn't hesitate to tell the truth.

"Oh really?" he was more shocked.

"Yes, Sir..."

"I think he should have known about the rivalry between you and Tiwari" The commissioner guessed it right.

"I don't know sir..."

Though Arnav knew it he didn't let him know it. Without knowing the exact truth he doesn't want to tell the commissioner about it.

"What can I do for you in this case?" The commissioner came straight to the point.

"I would like to meet him. Can I?" he requested him.

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