4 Dirty EGO

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Seeing Aman standing like a statue, Arnav shrunk is eyes.


"ASR... She has been selected as Akash's PA" he said hesitatingly.

"So what? What about me? Don't you guys ever think that I need a PA?" he asked seriously.

Aman dropped his jaw.

"But you never wanted one" Aman defended.

"Now, I feel to have one. Didn't you say she is the most eligible person, she answered all the questions? Maybe, she fulfills my expectations. Let me give a try " he said casually.

GIVE A TRY? What does that mean?

"But ASR...." Aman dragged hesitatingly.

"What's your problem? What's wrong if I need a PA?" he sneered.

"Nothing ASR... But Khushi was said that she will be Akash's PA"

"Being an AR staff, she ought to do what we say. Understood?" Arnav countered back.

"Yes ASR". Aman gave up.

"Appoint the second-ranked candidate as Akash's PA"

"As you said"

Taking the appointment order from Arnav's table, he left his cabin taking slow steps. Don't know what's there in Arnav's mind.

Arnav smirked. Let's see what MISS. COOL does...whether she agrees or refuses. Arnav was 100% expecting her to refuse the job. Because he thinks she doesn't have the potential to stand. She will definitely back off if she gets to know who her BOSS is. And he badly wants her to refuse the job because he didn't want her to be near NK. At any cost, if she takes the job, he wants her to be under HIS control.

Apart from the thought of her NK's girlfriend, he could not wipe the scene of eating her laddo, relishing. Being a diabetic, he never dared to touch sweets. He never heard a diabetic could eat sweets. Adding to it, her dialogue of...

"I know how to keep my body, heart, and mind in my control".

Those are fueling his dirty ego. He wanted to see how she does that in critical times.


Aman handed over the appointment order to Akash, sadly. Akash's face also became horrified, seeing the CORRECTION which was done by Arnav.

"Arnav Singh Raizada's PA?" Akash almost jumped from his seat shouting.

Aman nodded yes miserably.

"Don't know what's there in Bhai's mind. He doesn't like Khushi....he doesn't like any middle-class girls" Akash felt bad.

"In fact, he doesn't like any girls. But why doesn't he like her?" Aman asked.

"Payal told me that Khushi had an argument with Bhai the other day. He looked angry the whole day"

"Argument? About what?"

"Don't know. Khushi didn't say about it"

"Does NK know about it?"

"NO. If he knows, he would have told me. I'm scared Aman, why bhai is doing this?"

"ASR never mixes personal and professional issues. Hopefully, in Khushi's matter also he follows the same." Aman tried to give Akash hope.

"But, what made him change the decision at last?" Akash wanted to clear his doubt.

"Who knows? No one could predict ASR. He never liked to have a PA." Aman said wearily.

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