47 The phone call

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Part47 The Phone call

Arnav got struck, seeing Khushi. He was embarrassed as she had seen him arguing like a school student. Khushi was more embarrassed than Arnav. She never imagined that he would even fight with his Di for not letting him meeting her. She looked down not to see anyone's face as there was a teasing smile crawled on their faces. Lavanya smiled at Arnav teasingly. Arnav composed himself and sat on the couch silently.

"Chotte, I know your heart. You seemed upset when I stopped you from coming to GH today morning. That's why I asked Lavanya to call Khushi and I called you here."

Arnav smiled softly whereas Khushi looked at Lavanya widening her eyes like, "is it?" and Lavanya chuckled at her expression.

"Didn't you say we should be like a family more than a friend...? all together? That's why I helped Di." She smiled making Khushi embarrassed.

"Really, Khushiji? Did you say like that?" Anjali asked smilingly.

"Khushi is a very nice girl. I like her very much. You guys are very lucky to have such a BAHU." Lavanya's mother, Sukanya praised Khushi which made Khushi more embarrassed.

"We knew about Khushi bitiya. That's why we all are in full swing to bring her to our house."

"You don't have to be worried about anything if Khushi is with you. Khushi is a good solution-maker. She solves all the problems in the blink of an eye." Sukanya said touching Khushi's shoulder.

It was very awkward for Khushi to face such flattering words that too in front of everyone. Arnav was admiring her awkwardness.

"What about Lavanya? Is not she a nice girl?" Manorama asked.

"She is a nice girl indeed but losses her patience easily and gets angry."

"Oh, really?" Anjali asked.

"Yes, di. She starts hitting if she gets angry." NK said laughingly and Lavanya's facial expression was worth watching. Khushi bit her lip to suppress her chuckle.

Shagun was given to Lavanya.

"Tomorrow is Roka and 25th is Marriage," Manorama said.

"Yeah, we are ready," Sukanya said.

"Complete the rituals as per your comfort."

"No ritual should be done together?" NK asked.

"Only Sangeeth will be done together," Nani said.

"It will be fun," Anjali said eagerly.

"Shall we dance on Sangeeth?" Lavanya asked excitedly.

"This is your marriage. Don't forget that."Sukanya said.

"Then I will dance on Khushi's marriage and she will dance on my marriage. What say Khushi?" Lavanya smiled.

Khushi nodded NO hurriedly and Arnav smiled.

"So smart...." NK said.

"This is our family function. You can dance." Nani said smilingly.



"Thank you Nani." Lavanya smiled.

"Shall we leave?" Manorama asked looking at Arnav.

"Haan... a lot of work should be done," Nani said.

"Khushiji, how will you go? Shall I drop you?" Anjali asked.

Before Arnav said, I will drop her,

"Don't worry Di. I'm going to GH to meet Garima aunty and Shashi uncle. It's been a long time I met them."

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