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Harry Potter watched his last family vanish before him, the flash of the green curse still present as Sirius Black slipped in the Veil. Bellatrix LeStranges horrid laugh echoed the cave like room, the only noise Harry could hear. His heart clenched, his felt sick before he let out an scream of terror. Remus Lupin coming to grab him, holding his best friend son to try and comfort him.

Harry bent down, his scream never ending as Bellatrix continued to cackle, the remaining Death Eaters and Order of Phoenix members all watching in daze. Harry tried to escape Remus's death tight grib, his wand clenched tightly in his hand as he pointed it at the manic laughing witch. Before he even registered, the killing curse shot out towards her causing her to stumble but didn't drop dead. Bellatrix's laugh quickly faded as anger overtook her, raising her wand about to return the deadly curse she felt her arm burn, along with the other Death Eaters to retreat. Each obeyed the mark, jumping into dark clouds leaving the cave where the Order still stood.

Harry couldn't hear anything still, he heard buzzing from Remus trying to contain him in his arms but nothing else. Another person dead because of him, and oh how he hated himself even more. Too many of his loved ones were dropping like flies all for him to live. He cried out again, another scream leaving his mouth tearing at his throat. Everyone in the Order watched for a distance, their own tears falling at the lose of Sirius but also at the cries of Harry Potter. No one has ever heard such a noise escape his lungs before, and no one even begun to imagine what he was feeling. Harry soon fell to his knees, taking Remus with him as he stared at the place Sirius once stood, the look of the dead mans eyes burning into his mind. The Veil dancing with its cloudy mist, the mist that took away his last standing family. He wanted to destroy it, he wanted it to explode.

"Confringo!" Harry screamed, sending the blasting curse at the stone arch. Remus yanked his wand from him, scolding Harry for his recklessness.

"Harry please enough!"

"Give it back to me, NOW!" Harry cried as he pushed Remus off him turning with his hand extended. "Let me go after her, let me destroy this fucking thing!"

Before Remus could retort back a light came from the Veil. Harry turned back to the thing, watching in fear that his curse actually worked. The mist begun to circle and a body came flying out. His eyes widened seeing a girl had emerged from the thing. He walked over, ignoring Remus's pleas to let the higher ups deal with what just happened.

He bent down, pushing the body over to its back, a hiss escaping the lips of the girl. She was bleeding, her blonde hair stained with red, her face pretty injured as well.

"Tom?" The girl mumbled, before opening her eyes to revel a set of bright blue eyes.

Harry's eyes widened again, they're eyes instantly locking and her returned with shock and worry.

"What the hell?" Harry cursed, how did a girl come out of a death trap?

It didn't look like she heard him, her face written in complete shock before she passed out unconscious. Remus yanked Harry away, Alastor Moody approaching the group.

"How is she alive?" Remus asked, directing his vision to Moody.

"Damn well beats me, we need to take her to St. Mungo's before she dies on us. Only she can answer our questions." Alastor spoke, his eyes twitching. "And you boy, get out of here now, we don't know if them Death Eaters will return."

"No! I want to fight! I want to avenge Sirius!" Harry cried.

"Granger! Weasley! Take Potter and go! Before the damn Ministry turn up!" Alastor yelled, the duo of the golden trio running up instantly taking Harry away. Harry put up a fight but Ron simply knocked him out, earning a scowl from Hermione.

"Ronald!" Hermione Granger yelled.

"Bloody he'll be was putting up a damn fight! What else was I meant to do!" Ron Weasley fought back.

"Leave now!" Remus yelled, cutting off their bickering. "Someone call Dumbledore, tell him to meet us at St. Mungo's. Kingsley stall the Minster for as long as you can."

A tall dark skinned man came nodding, before sending a Patronous out for Dumbledore, then turned swiftly his long dress flocking behind him. The duo picked up Harry leaving as well, leaving the two men and the unconscious girl.

"You carry her, i'm far to old for this crap." Grumbled Alastor as he knocked his cane twice disappearing to St. Mungo's.

Remus sighed, picking up the girl who was lighter than he predicted. He glanced at her than the Veil, then where his best friend once stood before turning his gaze to the girl. Just what in the hell was happening?

gah super short but a super quick introduction i hope you all enjoy this small switch in pov and i promise a longer more better chapter to come soon <3

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