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Harry jumped slightly at a stack of books being placed next to him at the Gryffindor table, Hermione taking her seat right next to him.

"Merlin Hermione, why must you do that!" Harry whined.

"I have work to finish unlike you and Ron who simply forget we have projects to do." She frowned.

"I've already finished mine." He grinned. "Conscious helped me with them, it's been so much easier doing them with a tutor."

"You spend quite a lot of time with her mate." Ron said.

"She teaches me, I told you guys we have extra lessons. I'm sure she would do the same if you asked." Harry shrugged sipping his morning coffee.

"I don't feel a welcoming presence for her." Ron frowned.

"She's not bad, you have to admit her teaching is the best we've had in so long." Harry defended.

"She certain knows her stuff but it doesn't cross out the fact she's a Death Eater." Hermione sighed as she worked on her essays.

"I already told you she's not!"

"It will take some time for us to warm up Harry we told you this as well." Hermione argued. "You spend all your time with her anyways I doubt she'd have time for us."

"Join us then." Harry suggested.

"I'll pass on that, I need to prepare for the next game." Ron smirked. "I'm going to be a whole lot better than you mate with all the practicing i've done."

"Sure Ron." Harry laughed.

"Potter." A voice interrupted their conversation.

Turning Harry was faced with none other than Draco, causing the whole dining hall to stare.

"What do you want Malfoy." Ron spat.

"Ms. Jones has requested you to her office." Draco said, ignoring Ron before turning to leave.

"Oh, okay.." Harry said as he stood packing his own belongings.  "I'll see you guys in class?"

Before they could respond he was following Draco quickly, the whole Gryffindor and Slyhterin tables watching in awe as the two reviles left the area.

"Certain caused a stir." Harry joked.

"Shut up Potter." Draco mumbled rolling his eyes, he felt so out of place being civil with the boy.

"What happened when you left?" Harry asked, the night prior Draco was sent away after the encounter and Harry had been waiting to ask what had happened.

"None of your damn business Potter."

"Since when did you agree to work with us?"

"Shut up." Draco repeated, walking quicker.

"Can you just answer for once Draco!" Harry snapped.

This caused Draco to stop his fast pace turning to him. "Don't call me by my name you filthy half blood, it doesn't concern you, I only agreed to work along side her not you so shut up and walk."

This caused Harry to finally close his curious mouth, sighing. "Fine whatever."

The two walked down the halls, causing a few heads to turn each hall they walked. It was strange seeing the boys walk side by side, usually they'd be at each other throats. 

Finally they arrived at Conscious chambers, Draco simply walking in without knocking. Conscious sat at her desk with a cigarette in hand with what they guessed student papers in front of her.

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