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Conscious opened the cabinet above the sink reaching to grab a mug before shutting it causing it to slam a bit, also causing Harry to jump from the sound. It was late in the evening when the three of them returned from St. Mungo's and Conscious was making a cup of tea and Harry sat at the table watching her. The other Order members sat in the living discussing the current events at hand.

"Would you like some tea boy?"

"I do have a name." Harry frowned, Conscious turned and leant against the sink.

"I'm aware, and I'm not very fond of repeating myself." She retorted.

"I'm alright, thank you though." Harry shifted, his emotions and anger from earlier left his body when he came to realize who this girl was.

His prior hopes of being reunited with Sirius now gone, he still wasn't being let in on anything and he now sat only a few feet away from an original Death Eater who seemed to be more than just a simple Witch.

"You think awfully loud boy. I'm surprise that old man hasn't taught you to protect yourself better, for a supposed great Wizard his methods of life will never make sense to me." Conscious rambled as she went to grab the hot water.

"Dumbledore is a great Wizard!" Harry snapped. He couldn't believe her ignorance, I mean someone from her generation shouldn't a lady have more manors?

She scoffed. "Your too emotional."

"And what are you! I'd rather be emotional than a heartless prejudice Witch who believes murdering innocent humans is right."

She turned to look at him again, grasping the hot mug in her hands but she couldn't feel the heat. "Who said I thought such thing? It's not very light of you to judge someone you don't know."

"Y-you are in league with You-Know-Who! His whole ideals is murdering muggles!" Harry exclaimed.

"Tom believes in bring power and order to those who are worthy, it's all about perspective boy. You have your views and he has is, I on the other hand don't care. Power is power, weak is weak, there isn't such thing as good and bad people, just people." Conscious sighed, walking over taking a seat next to Harry.

Harry's heart clenched, Sirius had said the same thing before. Did she read his thoughts to say this? Trying to use his God Father against him?

"M-my God Father said there isn't such thing as good people or death eaters, we all have both light and dark within ourselves and it was up to us to choose what side we were on." Harry muttered, glancing at his lap.

"And what do you think?"

He looked at her through his lenses. "What do you mean?"

She rolled her eyes, sipping more of the peppermint tea. "What do you feel? What are your own thoughts, what do you even want? To me it seems everyone tells you how to be, I mean why aren't you in that meeting? You are the saviour yet you just sit around like a mere pawn."

He frowned again, hating the feeling of hearing her state facts out loud.

He clenched his fists. "I want to end this war."

"Only that?" She pushed.

"Why do you care what I want." Harry replied trying to switch subjects.

She smiled, causing him to stiffen slightly. "I told you boy, you and I are going to get along just lovely."

Putting down the mug she turned and grabbed Harry's jaw in her hands, he stopped breathing again his eyes flashed with confusion and fear.
She brought her other hand to his forward again, tracing the lighten bolt on his pale skin, her smile and eyes blazing into him. He swallowed and exhaled a shaking breathe unsure why she was constantly touching his scar but he couldn't help but almost lean into her touch. That string he felt was almost pulling him into her, that connection felt so strange and new and he hated that he found comfort in it.

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