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Conscious returned her sharp gaze back to the boy beneath her, he looked petrified she almost laughed. This was the boy who was meant to be the saviour, the boy who would end the Wizarding War yet he looked as if he was about to wet himself. Her grip on the boys pale wrist tighten, causing him to wince.

"Now now Ms. Jones, I must ask you to release Mr. Potter here, we have much to discuss." Dumbledore tutted from behind. Her grip only tightened further.

"Ow!" Harry hissed, trying to push her off but she wouldn't budge.

Finally Conscious let go, sitting on his lap now as her hands fell to her side as she closed her eyes, she felt angry. No, livid. Not only had she managed to launch herself in the future, Albus Dumbledore had to be the one she awoke too, and now the Golden boy who laid under her as well.

Harry massaged his sore wrist, feeling a bruise already forming. He glanced down at his hands before looking back at the girl who sat on his thighs now, his cheeks flushed slightly. Her eyes closed again and he could feel just how cold she was through his jeans.

"What year is it Albus?" Conscious finally spoke, her eyes opening to meet Harry's once again. She glared at the boy as he shrunk into the mattress more.

"I think you are well aware."

She gritted her teeth. "Still the same old bastard aren't you?" Harry could sense tension between the two, his jaw opening at her language.

"I have questions I need answered Ms. Jones, just how exactly did you come here?" Dumbledore asked.

"I don't know."

Dumbledore frowned. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"The Veil, I was trapped inside of it. I couldn't access life nor death, the portal never opened for me and I stayed in a bliss until a man come through. I'm assuming his death caused the portal to open and I fell threw though you must have figured this out by now." Conscious said, her eyes never leaving Harry's and he felt very uncomfortable.

"I see, so he had not planned this?"

Conscious glanced over her shoulder towards the elder. "No, he did not."

"Perhaps you should get off young Harry here and we can discuss what will be going on from here." Dumbledore hummed, meeting her gaze.

Conscious said nothing, simply went back to looking at the boy in her dreams. He reminded her of Tom a lot, their eyes so dark and powerful, his aurora just as Tom's was when he was his age. She could sense his magic through the boy- Harry if she recalled. She tilted her head, noticing something on his forehead. She bent down bring her face only a few inches away from his.

Harry froze, hell he even stopped breathing as he watched her lean closer and closer, bring her hand up towards his forehead.

He gulped, "W-what are you doing?"

She ignored him, brushing away some of his dark locks and lightly grazed her fingers over his scar. Harry hissed, a familiar feeling sparking throughout his body but it didn't hurt him.

Conscious frowned. "Did that hurt?"

Harry shock his head. Conscious pushed harder on his scar and he yelped swatting her hand away.

"Ow! That hurt!"

She narrowed her eyes at his whining before pulling her hand back, she too felt tingles on her fingers, Tom's magic was gripping onto her.

"How strange." Conscious muttered. Only a few things came to mind for a possible explanation as to why Harry had Tom's magic coursing through him.

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