"You know how many nurses got fired for that danish?" Derek said before Mark gave him a look and put the danish back.

"Will you two shut up?" Renee snapped the two irritably.

"What's got her knickers in a twist?" Derek asked with a smile.

"Leave her be, she lost her scrub nurse, she's allowed to a little cranky,"

"The mercy west staff will be arriving in three days, And when they do, there will be more cutbacks and more layoffs. And I need each and every one of you to step up and be leaders. And when I can answer your questions, I will,"

"When will my new supplies for chemo come?" Renee asked but it got drowned when all the attending spoke over each other.

"If you would like to make an appointment to talk about your concerns ..."

"Is my hyperbaric lab getting shut down?" Nelson asked.

"You were right. Excellent danish."

"Lexie's is going mad," 

"I know that that's why she started dating you,"

Renee gave Ben a smile as she went back to her sandwich however she didn't miss the look on his face. Ben stole her fry as he went ahead to tell her about how Lexie's dad was at the hospital for end-stage liver failure and needed a transplant but couldn't get on the donor's list as he hasn't been sober for the required time.

"So, Lexie's giving her dad part of her liver?"

"If she's a match...but the man's a drunk...how long will it take for the liver to be damaged again?"

"But it's her father...wouldn't you want to do anything possible to keep your father alive?" Renee asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not if he's a drunk,"

"Ben...stop being an ass, you're her boyfriend, you love her, just support her in whatever that she needs...okay?" 

"You should've been a psychiatrist," 

"Yeah, that's what I am planning if I get fired during the next cut,"

"You're an attending, how could you get fired?"

"Richard's not really in a good state of mind right now, he can do anything,"

"Dr Foster, I need some consult on this patient,"

"Dr Hunt, Trauma needs help from oncology, that's new," 

"Yeah, I had this patient, Randy Helsby, I found a sarcoma during his workup and he came back today, I found a third one," Owen said as he handed her the file. She flipped through the chart.

"Yeah, he needs surgery,"

"Great, I'll book the OR," Owen said as he walked away. She went over to the nurses' station and handed over a file to the nurse when she was joined by Mark, who had a very funny look on his face.


"I have an older patient who wants a penile implant," Mark said.

"Penile implant?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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