Male!Witch x Reader

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Narrator's POV


Warlock opened his eyes and saw the strange woman staring at him with disgust. She yelled something about a witch and threw him to a hard brown floor. Warlock cried and cried, but the woman watched him with pure hate. He could see it from the moment he was born. HATE. It was all he knew. The woman picked him up and walked right over to the door. She opened it and threw him outside. His head started throbbing, but it didn't kill him. The woman gasped with horror and hissed at him. She slammed the door shut and didn't come back for him. He cried for his mother, but she never answered. That night, another woman was walking around and spotted a poor helpless child on the street. As she inspected him, she gasped and saw a witch symbol on his tiny forehead. Because she also was a witch, the woman took him to her home and named him...........................                         WARLOCK.............................................

*Flashback ends*


Y/n woke up and saw the roof of her house. It was very bright and cheery like she was. It was pretty rare to see her sad or angry. You were most likely to see her smiling. She was a young 13-year-old girl, who always wore a purple shirt and blue skirt, with green sneakers. She was a bookworm and loved to read about witches. It was almost like she loved them. She loved learning about the tribes or clans of witches scattered around the world. Sure, players hated them, but only abandoned witch children they bore, and nothing else. They gave the witch babies to other witches by abandoning them on their doorsteps. It was really sad, but nothing could change it. This is the way of life. No one dared to protest for the witches. They weren't killed, they were just dishonored by their friends. Y/n was a happy girl, who had tried protesting too, but her friends didn't hate her still. Y/n was the most popular girl in town. One person would look at her and smile. She was a ball of hope and kindness. This morning was clearly different. 

Y/n looked out the window and saw a parade of witches marching towards the mayor's house. The leader knocked on the huge spruce doors, as she ran out and put on a face of distress, warning people nearby that this wouldn't end well. She was born with it. Y/n was actually half-witch. She had good powers, meaning the players let her stay in the town. She only could predict the future when it was going to happen, like when it was going to be like an explosion, she would yell, run. And this time she stood petrified. She watched as the mayor opened the door.

 "What do you want?!" He screeched. "Leave this old man alone!" The male witch glared at him. 

 "I'm here for a certain witch," the leader witch said, looking at Y/n. Her heart froze with fear. 

 "Why should I give our weapon-" The mayor said, cutting off, staring at Y/n. Y/n felt a rush of pain and anger. The MAYOR HAD BEEN USING HER. Her eyes turned red and immediately turned into a demon. First, tall twisted sharp horns rose out of her hair and grew giant bat wings on her back. Long fangs grew from her canine teeth. 

 "YOU LIED TO ME!!!" Y/n roared. Y/n's eyes blazed with fury, as the mayor trembled in fear. 

 "Don't hurt me...," The mayor stammered. Y/n glared at him, her eyes as bright as a million suns. 

 "Why should I?" She snarled. 

 "Because..." The mayor turned around to face the witch leader and wielded his knife and sliced a wound on the witch leader's body. The witch leader howled with pain and coughed out blood. Y/n gasped with horror.

 "Why... " Y/n growled. "YOU MONSTER!" She snarled in rage and scratched the mayor. He wailed with pain and ran. What a coward, Y/n thought.

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