Skeleton x Child!Reader

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I woke up and jumped on the bed, hoping my parents wouldn't notice. But they did anyway. 

"Y/n!" My mommy shouted. "Stop jumping on the bed!" 

"Fine," I groaned. "Then can I go outside?" My mommy sighed. 

"Okay," My daddy replied. "Just don't get lost!" I nodded eagerly and raced out the door to my friend's house.

"Hey, Y/n!" My friend, Isabella shouted. "Wanna play with me?"

"Yeah!" I shouted. I came closer. Isabella gave me some crayons and paper.

"Let's draw a few pictures together, okay?" Isabella said. I sat down and drew an orange cat and a brown dog making friends. Isabella was drawing some pretty flowers.

"I'm going to draw us!" I announced. Isabella smiled.

"Not if I do that first!" Isabella said, playfully. I laughed and drew us together very quickly. In the end, we both decided both pictures were really nice. I waved goodbye when it was time to go. But then, I saw a white shape in the trees. I ran into the forest, chasing the white man. 

"Please wait!" I shouted. "I just want to be friends!" But the white man disappeared. I stared at a big scary dark tree. I shivered with fear. I heard some leaves crackle. I screamed and ran so far. Soon, before I knew it, I was lost. 

"Please!" I called. "Someone help me!" I sat down and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up, I felt something very cold on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the white man. I realized it was a skelly man. 

"Hi, Mr. Skelly man!" I greeted.

"I'm a skeleton, not a skelly man," The skeleton said. "Come on, follow me." I followed the skelly man to the edge of the woods, back to my town. 

"Thank you!" I hugged the skelly. The skelly's face turned a little pink. 

"Come back soon," The skelly man said, "And don't get lost when you come here again!" 

"Bye!" I shouted. But as I went, I could hear him whispering.

"My name is Bones."

30 years later...

I ran into the forest. I saw Bones waiting for me, on the tree stump. This time, he was wearing a fancy suit and had a basket with him. 

"Hi, Bones!" I said cheerfully. "How's it going?"

"Quite fine," Bones stammered. He blushed again. I sat down next to him.

"Seriously," I said, "Bones, what's wrong?" Bones looked down and pulled out a small black box. 

"You remember when I first met you?" Bones asked. "When you chased me into the forest, then you got lost, and I found you? Then we started meeting each other a lot?" I nodded. 

"So..." Bones opened the box. "Will you marry me?" Inside the small box was a diamond ring, with a golden shank. I thought hard. I realized I had never known how much he had loved me. So I said.....

"Yes, I will marry you, Bones."

Minecraft Mobs x Reader One-shots[OLD AND CRINGE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora